Палеонтологи определились с прародиной крокодилов и узнали, как они оттуда сбежали

Nov 21, 2023 17:04

Британские ученые выяснили, что предки крокодилов появились в Северной Америке около 145 миллионов лет назад, а потом распространились по миру благодаря одной важной адаптации.

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адаптация, эволюция, палеонтология

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Comments 3

gerges2022 November 21 2023, 14:54:42 UTC

Best Greetings

Can The Dinosaurs Be Killed By The Gas Suffocation?

Let's tell the story


Mars Original Orbit Was Between Venus And Mercury and Mars had migrated to its current orbit behind the Earth (the planets order proves that)


Mars in its migration motion had collided with Venus and then with the Earth- and Mars had caused to create the Earth moon (Giant-Impact Hypothesis Is Wrong)

Let's answer the question (Why Does Venus Have No Moon)?


Mars had migrated from its original orbit by force for that Mars had pushed all debris with it in its motion direction, Venus had found no debris around and for that Venus couldn't create its own moon- but the Earth gravity is greater than Venus and the debris lost some of their momentum for that the Earth could attract some debris and created its own moon- Mars has 2 moons spite its small mass because the debris were around it simply Mars find them- the rest debris are attracted by Jupiter and created the asteroid belt.


How Were The Dinosaurs Killed?

The collision ( ... )


enki_clever November 21 2023, 15:55:20 UTC

Наконец-то! Долгожданное открытие.


sergiomaster1 November 21 2023, 19:48:29 UTC

нильских крокодилов разводят на фермах

по всему миру в тропической и экваториальной зоне

иногда они успешно сбегают

и даже могут дать потомство


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