While I've been stuck here at home, I've done quite abit of reading and remembered a few Oz fictions that I have loved reading over the years since I've become a fan of Oz. There mostly BK but I've added other pairings that I love in the mix:
Keller surviving the fall Recs:
part 1 and
part 2 by
by_starkiller Just Another Day In Paradise by
by_starkiller. (Oz Big Bang
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Here's where MY Oz medieval fantasy would start . . .
King Harrison is the aging and beloved monarch of Oz. His son and next in line to the throne, Prince Tobias, is off fighting the Aryan army that threatens to overtake the kingdom of Oz, under the leadership of the evil General Schillinger. During a particularly intense battle, Prince Tobias is nearly mortally wounded, but his life is saved by a renegade Oz soldier named Keller. After Prince Tobias has physically recuperated from his wounds, King Harrison prepares to knight Keller for his bravery during battle and for saving Prince Tobias' life. During the ceremony, when Keller comes forth to be knighted and falls to his knees, while Prince Tobias is eternally grateful that his life was saved, he is troubled that he is inextricably drawn to the newly-anointed knight. Even though Prince Tobias is happily married to the lovely Princess Genevieve and loves their children(Princess Holly, Prince Gary and Prince Harry), he feels an ache in his loins he has never felt before - let alone for the handsome and dashing knight. As if he senses Prince Tobias' attraction, as Sir Keller rises from kneeling to standing, his blue eyes penetrate into Prince Tobias's eyes. Then, Sir Keller smirks seductively like the devil. Prince Tobias is beet red and livid by the knight's lack of deference and for is all-knowing eyes.
Well, that's it for moi. I have writer's block. Leave the rest to the imagination of more talented authors!
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