
Nov 05, 2015 01:31

who wrote this episode? I want to marry them. edit: this was Nancy Won's first-ever episode and she knocked it out of the park I am going to marry her mkay bye

  • Sam is a magical sunshine puppy child
  • so is Len
  • I want Len to meet Aaron Bass from 8x13 they would be so adorkable together
  • do people still use that term anymore
  • Cas/Netflix new OTP
  • Amara is amazing but that scene with the babysitter felt a little....... intense for me? like I know that she's an eons-old entity but seeing her as like a 13-year-old and seducing a grown woman is just strange
  • but..... does Crowley just.. let her wander around like that?
  • "I picked up my thumb like it was a mini hotdog" "not gonna lie that's worrisome"
  • "sensual verbal massage" Dean pls
  • Dean looked so good at every angle WTF HOW
  • also, uh. where did they end up sleeping? DID THEY SPLIT THE BED????
  • Sam my baby sunflower
  • "you're gonna survive this"
  • "I wanted to see if the squeezy thing worked"
  • "I'm a bit of a history buff"
  • Sam and his fascination with serial killers :)))))
  • do you think he took an abormal psych class at Stanford because he heard that the professor did a whole unit to serial killers because I like to think so
  • maybe he and Jess did some serial killer roleplay
  • like she was Lizzie and he was..... who tf else was there. HH Holmes!!!
  • I mean
  • no one says it didn't happen
  • the possibilities are endless with Stanford!era
  • I bet Sam has seen every episode of Dexter and has a huge dorky crush on Michael C. Hall because let's be real who doesn't
  • before you say anything about that last point though. I still haven't finished the last season. no spoilers pls I will get to it soon!!!
  • so are we to believe that Amara might have sucked out Dean's soul in 11x01? we never quite saw that last bit of their encounter.
  • I'd like to think that no she did not and Dean's hyperaggression is just leftovers from the Mark. also, they already explored that we-didn't-know-you-were-soulless-gasp angle with Sam.
  • but. possible?
  • pls discuss.


tv: supernatural

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