
Sep 15, 2015 09:44

so... I'm not sure if this is old news to everyone but me, but I came across this early (earliest?) draft of SPN by Kripke yesterday and OH MY GOD.

I've cut the rest of this post for spoilers... if there's such a thing as getting spoiled for an early version of an episode that aired a little over a decade ago.

I love all of it!!!! I mean, I understand why they made the all changes they did, because the pilot as we know it is one hell of a wild ride - and it's tighter, scarier, grittier, and ends on a much more dramatic note than this version - but I am a huge sucker for these kinds of things. it's a glimpse into the creation of something that's come to mean so much to me and to so many people that I care about, and it's thrilling to see all the things that could have been, and all the things that were since changed or added that we've come to love.

specific points that made me squee:
  • so so so glad they changed the Harrisons to the Winchesters lmao
  • more screentime for Jess!!!!
  • also, JESS LIVES!!!!!!!!!! for now
  • honestly Jess would probably have gotten killed off or possessed or otherwise screwed over sooner rather than later but at least in this version of events they left it open for her to have a bigger role and that is probably the only change I am slightly displeased with
  • Sam gets to graduate!!!!!
  • Dean teaching Sam - and us, by proxy - how to hunt!!! like omg can you imagine fresh-out-of college bb!Sam taking meticulous notes on how to kill ghosts and ghouls and shifters and learning how to fight and shoot
  • Sam thinking Dean is a serial killer awwww yiisssss here 4 this
  • smart!bb!Sam faking sick to get away and call for help because he's been with Dean for all of two seconds but still knows exactly how to play to his brother's perceptions of him
  • smart!bb!civilian!Sam having no idea what he's dealing with, and his whole life has basically been turned on its head in the span of like a day... but he gets attacked and nearly murdered by this ghost and still manages to figure out exactly how to kill it because he's one smart lil cookie <3333
  • Sam and Dean actually growing up in a stable household with responsible adults who love them and take care of them instead of growing up in motel rooms and the Impala and were probably gonna get killed off at some point before the first season ended but hey
  • okay I know smoking is bad for you and gives you gross skin and teeth and saggy boobs and really fucks you up in general but Dean smoking is kinda hot okay shhh
  • SAM ACTUALLY GETS TO HAVE A LIFE WITH MARY (for all of nine years but hey that's better than six fucking months okay)
  • I love and want more of this version of events!!!! it is helping to fill the void in my life that is pre-s11 hiatus lmao
  • I mean we know that they had a general idea of the overall storyarc with angels and demons and the apocalypse and Sam and Dean caught in the crossfire and being forced onto opposite sides... and there is no doubt in my mind that whatever grand finale this version of the pilot was leading up to, it would have strongly resembled Swan Song as we know it today. but all these little details!!! cheesy flashbacks! loving relatives! growing up civilians! Jess not dying! Sam being terrified of Dean! this is precisely why I am such a sucker for AUs of all shapes and sizes ^^
  • whatever choices you make, whatever details you alter... you will always end up... here :D
  • <3333333333

to make a Pokemon analogy this script is like the bb!starter that you get at the lab... and then somewhere along the way it evolved into what we now know as the original 5-season arc... and now we're on the final evolution (s6 onwards) WHICH IS SUCH A NERDY ANALOGY BUT IT MAKES SENSE IN MY HEAD basically my point being I have pretty much ascened into fangirl nirvana right now aaaahhh

... ... ... ...has anyone read this script before? am I just rehashing everything that's already been said? thoughts on this version of Sam and Dean, this version of events?? I WANT TO TALK ABOUT SPN THIS IS ALL I CARE ABOUT

ch: dean winchester, ch: sam winchester, tv: supernatural

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