lesson learned

Jan 21, 2017 17:57

when you decide to march on behalf of feminism and civil rights and think it would be awesome to make some signage with quotes from Parks & Recreation, you should always follow through with it instead of being a lazy fuck and not doing so (even though you already bought all the supplies needed to make said signage) because you just might run into Adam Scott casually eating lunch at the same Chipotle as you after the march but you didn't make the sign because you're lazy and don't like carrying things and also you don't want to be That Person and draw a bunch of attention when he's clearly hanging out quietly with his family but like...... it would have been so cool to show one of the cast members of one of your favorite shows just how much the show means to you and thank them for bringing you so much joy in such dark times

(more comprehensive post re. Women's March coming up, as soon as I get off my lazy ass and upload photos and gather my thoughts <3)


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