
Mar 30, 2016 23:20

this episode was basically everything i've ever wanted in a fanfic. but dialed up to 11. with some added werewolves (not my favorite supernatural creature but w/e they were just a plot device). and a lot of icky bodily functions (aww yissss).

and hot damn Lisa Berry looked so fuckin good?!?!?!??!?!?

I have more Thoughts but they are of the ALWAYS SQUEALING ABOUT HURT!SAM/CONCERNED!DEAN variety which while enjoyable is not the most productive. but I will say that two back-to-back episodes of not-actually-dead!Sam is too much for me to handle (read: SO FUCKING GREAT) so if I never post on here again it is because I have evaporated off the face of the earth and straight into SPN nirvana.

tv: supernatural

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