Sep 10, 2006 08:51
How come the WoW chicks all look like they've had bad boob-jobs? One would think that if men were designing it, they would at least aim for *good* boob-jobs. But no. All very poor. Perhaps it's the level of civilization. They have magic and robots, but very poor plastic surgeons....
Tonight I had a RN tell me that I should become a nurse. Never thought of that. Don't think I'll dwell on it. But it was fun to have someone try and sell me.
Now, let me tell you about that someone. Imagine if Santa was a RN w/ grey hair instead of white. Now give Santa two very skinny but sticking out and waxed curles on the end of his moustache, sticking above his beard to his skin. Also add two diamond studs. Oh, and he's not gay. Yup. That guy wants me to join the ranks.......
Oh. If you want to get angry, buy the newest Esquire and read the article about the couple in NewOrleans who is getting tried for 34 counts of Negligant Homicide. Especially read it if you have ever been in a care-giving situation. Oooohhhhh I was angry.
Also, can I call for a quick moment of silence for Steve Irwin. I'm not kidding. Great man. I really respect him and what he did. I cried when I heard the news. Sevens around the world morn the loss of one of the best of us.