
May 04, 2011 22:11

For the people who always used Dokuganryu for their Megaten scans. It was brought down some time ago, but a nice person uploaded most of the scans and books here.

In Imagine related news; I try not to laugh at the people who say Shiva/Vishnu won’t be bad for the economy. It won’t break, of course not, but let’s not forget the little thing called inflation. When people get 50 diamonds per clear…. You can’t tell me inflation won’t get a little worse. Not to mention this is pretty much for the well geared people, making the rich more rich. Ah well, game is pretty much unbalanced anyway, just sticking around for my friends and the fun we have doing stuff together. Yay for STEVEN’s E-Corridor though, that seems like fun. Can't say I've been online much these days though, a full time job with a school report to write does suck most of your energy.

Stressing out for grandpa’s and grandma’s diamond wedding. It’s Sunday and we still don’t have a decent plan for getting all the balloons and stuff in there house. Not to mention making the balcony look festive *plots*

My thoughts on Doctor Who episode, Day of the Moon, can be summarized as: What the genuine fuck was that?! Extremely fun ride though. Can’t say anything that hasn’t been said by other people a 1000 times before. I love having this show back on telly.

doctor who, real, smt, imagine

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