Menagerie / Menażeria #7

Mar 03, 2017 21:02

A random Menagerie out of the blue. Rules as usual - language of the description indicates the language of the link's content.

Menażeria z Nienacka. Zasady jak zwykle - język opisu określa język zawartości linku.
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marvel, menagerie, nature

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Comments 31

hamsterwoman March 4 2017, 01:02:36 UTC
Hee @ the texts from superheroes (#5 is my favorite, and #8 is very cute too)

Aww at the sweet dragons and the hoards, too (I've seen a lot of the older ones, but not the commissions)

I've seen that Grandma + Tweety bird + Sylvester cosplay on Tumblr, but was very happy to see it again -- that's brill! Ditto for the digital sundial.

The science jewelry is pretty cool! (although I don't see anything chem-specific I'd actually want to wear/pay the $ for)

Also, imma assume the "may be relevant to your interests" mouse ones are at least partially directed to me and say thank you, I love them both! :D And the Bayeux Sherlock made me snicker :)

Love the Icarus quote, too. (I've seen some gifs of it paired with Tony Stark, and, yes, that too :)


aletheiafelinea March 4 2017, 20:02:09 UTC
#5 is my favorite
"Kind of annoyed" him. Just kind of. XD Also, I'm sure there was a deadly competition among raccoons. Not like I have my bets or anything.

I've seen a lot of the older ones, but not the commissions
I think new ones keep coming, which totally awes me. Just one would be amazing job, but so many???

I've seen that Grandma + Tweety bird + Sylvester cosplay on Tumblr, but was very happy to see it again
So adorable and so accurate at that! :)

although I don't see anything chem-specific I'd actually want to wear/pay the $ for
I'd like carbon atom earrings or the circular evolution tree for myself, but I'd rather see them offline first. Also, they're rather pricey, even for silver...

Also, imma assume the "may be relevant to your interests" mouse ones are at least partially directed to me
They are and you're most welcome! I'm glad you like them! :D

Love the Icarus quote, too. (I've seen some gifs of it paired with Tony Stark, and, yes, that too :)Ooh, haven't seen them yet, but yes! O.O It's very much him! (Tony has even ( ... )


hamsterwoman March 5 2017, 00:50:25 UTC
"Kind of annoyed" him. Just kind of. XD

I assume it's 'cos he can understand her perfectly :)

I've now also read the 50SoG link, and, wow, fascinating in its train-wreckiness!


aletheiafelinea March 5 2017, 19:45:47 UTC
I assume it's 'cos he can understand her perfectly :)
You may have a point here... XD

I've now also read the 50SoG link, and, wow, fascinating in its train-wreckiness!
Wonderfully informative, isn't it? :>


dieastra March 4 2017, 07:40:43 UTC
Someone is drawing floor plans of TV series apartments? Why do I not know about this? I adore floor plans! I actually once drew one for Neal's apartment in "White Collar" - I have to look if she has that one too! Thank you so much for that link!

The one wit the Doctor Who locations is also nice. I love this kind of pictures. I always planned to do my own, going back to childhood places. One of these days...


aletheiafelinea March 4 2017, 20:09:55 UTC
Aw, if I knew you didn't know them, I'd tell you earlier! :D

I always planned to do my own
You should. :) The guy had a neat idea with filming locations, but I like all sorts of compositions like these - after war vs now, ages ago vs modern, and so on.


dieastra March 4 2017, 20:55:25 UTC
Yes, this is how I know it too. Old vs. new. Interesting to see that some houses are still the same after decades. But trees have grown and the cars have changed.

The problem is finding good pictures from the past. In GDR times, they were very tiny, only 7x10 cm. I looked through them once but did not find many recognizable landmarks in the background.

I also like pictures that show old houses that were falling apart and now have been renovated and look nice again. My love for architecture coming through again! When I was flying to Birmingham in January, there was a nice exhibition at the airport about Görlitz (Zgorzelec). It was so sad seeing all those houses as they were in the Seventies, nobody living in them anymore, the roof had holes etc. Whole streets looked like this. And now they all look so nice again.


aletheiafelinea March 5 2017, 19:46:32 UTC
The problem is finding good pictures from the past.
Yeah, new can be always taken, but with old - if there's none, there's none. That's why I firmly support taking pics of even 'uninteresting' things. They won't be so in future. :)

It was so sad seeing all those houses as they were in the Seventies, nobody living in them anymore, the roof had holes etc. Whole streets looked like this. And now they all look so nice again.
Fortune was kind for them. It's so sad when an old house is being taken down for good to make room for a new one. Sure, the new one may be exciting, useful and all, but still...


galwithglasses March 4 2017, 18:00:18 UTC
The Map! It's hilarious even without knowing the language. The dragon hoards are awesome. This is a great post.


aletheiafelinea March 4 2017, 20:27:22 UTC
I didn't know how much the map would work wout of linguistic/cultural context. Glad to know it does at least a little. :) As I said, feel free to ask if I can explain anything!

Yes, it's quite a hoard of hoards, isn't it? *g*


(How come we weren't mutuals with so many common interests? Added you back now! If you're okay with it, that is. :)


galwithglasses March 4 2017, 21:57:53 UTC
A Sharpe icon! So many common interests...the Age of Sail stuff and SPN and Bucky. I love posts like this one of so many different fun things to see. \o/ Friends!


aletheiafelinea March 5 2017, 19:48:44 UTC
Whee! Also Good Omens. And Sean's Odysseus was the best Odysseus, yay for your icon. Not much of a Sharpie anymore, but I still have a bunch of fanarty icons to share if you want. :)

Btw, I noticed lots of great stuff on your Tumblr. You don't mind if I go way back through that? Recently I realized many people don't like it.


alumfelga March 4 2017, 21:41:28 UTC
Mapa!!! Komentarze na facebooku czytałam i nieźle się uśmiałam, ale nie dotarłam do momentu ich poskładania. Mój faworyt to El Doradom. Czuję, że na skojarzenie El Dorado z Radomiem to tak już na stałe :D

Jak nie ludzkiej, architektonicznej... ;)

Przetarg! <3 "Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie herbu i nazwiska ( ... )


aletheiafelinea March 5 2017, 19:53:22 UTC
Przetarg! <3 "Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie herbu i nazwiska
na potrzeby postępowania w sprawie smoczyska." Płaczę.
"na dedragonizację w bieżącej perspektywie skończyły się dotacje.
Lecz wszystko jest w porządku, gdyż wskaźnik na zwierzęta
baśniowe wyrobiony" XD

"Zróbmy pen drive'a, który wygląda jak dyskietka!"
Ale działa bez baterii! :)

Nie sądziłam, że to był fanfik dominującego trendu, myślałam, że raczej pomysł, który się oderwał od świata Zmierzchu w trakcie pisania.
Ja w ogóle myślałam (bo tak to chyba było z początku wyjaśniane, z perspektywy wydawniczej i przez ludzi spoza fandomu), że to był normalny, nie-AU fanfik, który został zGreyowany dopiero na potrzeby publikacji. Tymczasem wygląda na to, że cała redakcja to było "znajdź --> zamień", imiona załatwione, można puszczać w papier.

Trochę nie kumam tego zwrotu w "all human", od kiedy fandomowi przeszkadza brak logiki czy anatomiczne niezgodności? :DMam wrażenie, że mnogość indywidualnych headcanonów jest powszechna dopiero teraz. Wtedy jeszcze dominowało pojęcie mniej ( ... )


alumfelga March 10 2017, 18:12:14 UTC
Ja w ogóle myślałam (bo tak to chyba było z początku wyjaśniane, z perspektywy wydawniczej i przez ludzi spoza fandomu), że to był normalny, nie-AU fanfik, który został zGreyowany dopiero na potrzeby publikacji.
Też myślałam, że praca Anastazji, Grey jako milioner się pojawiły później jako konsekwencja wyrwania ze świata Zmierzchu. Ale jeśli to wszystko już tam było, to faktycznie wystarczyło zmienić imiona.

Może dystans był jednak nie całkiem od początku - dana fanka wpadała jak śliwka, po czym dorastała... a Meyer nie. :)
Prawda, przecież parę lat minęło od pierwszej powieści do ostatniej, plus filmy... Jest czas na zmianę spojrzenia.

Zresztą ona tam wyjaśnia, dlaczego stworzyły fanon AU zamiast po prostu rzucić to w diabły i iść do nowego fandomu. Nawet dzisiaj, gdy multifandomowanie jest normą, fanki narzekają, ale trzymają się - na przykład - SPN. A ja powlokę się do kina na piąte PotC.No tak, ale powleczesz się na piąte, nie drugie na przykład, a SPN było dobre ładnych parę lat. Zmierzch nie zaliczył spadku jakości (chyba), a ( ... )


aletheiafelinea March 10 2017, 20:45:26 UTC
No tak, ale powleczesz się na piąte, nie drugie na przykład, a SPN było dobre ładnych parę lat.
Prawda, później pomyślałam, że z tego powodu to nie do końca adekwatne przykłady albo przynajmniej powinnam była uściślić. W przypadku PotC i SPN to zmęczenie materiału, gdy tymczasem Zmierzch to był zjazd z i tak niskiego punktu startowego. Poza tym z tego, co ona tam pisze, wynika, że pierwsze części oscylowały w relatywnie grzecznych rejonach dla dorastającej młodzieży miast i wsi, więc jeśli ktoś pisał porno, to mu kanon nie wchodził w drogę. Ale potem zaczął, bo autorka poszła w tym samym kierunku, wprowadzając w uniwersum detale, które - jak z tego rozumiem? - nie miały prawa działać. No i popsuła zabawę, więc fandom wziął grabki i poszedł do swojej piaskownicy... XD

Mam. Coś takiego, niewielkie, w oczy się nie rzuca, a cieszy :)
Śliiiczne! ^^ Srebro rządzi. To sztyfty? Ja używam tylko haczyków, najlepiej zapinanych.

Jeśli masz ochotę, jasne, z tym, że po tym, co polecasz, widzę, że lubisz wyróżniające się style, a ja jak już ( ... )


moth2fic March 4 2017, 22:36:55 UTC
Wow! Not sure where to start! First of all I adored all the dragons and that took half the evening - well, you have to check out all the dragon hoards, don't you? Then the wildlife posts. And folk music - fortunately I wasn't drinking coffee while I read it. The disaster train of 50 Shades was fascinating. I enjoyed the mouserflies. And I love that last pic of the worried cheetah - you can just see what he's thinking without even seeing his face ( ... )


aletheiafelinea March 5 2017, 19:58:16 UTC
First of all I adored all the dragons and that took half the evening - well, you have to check out all the dragon hoards, don't you?
We're on the same page! :D

And folk music - fortunately I wasn't drinking coffee while I read it.
I should have added a warning. *g*

And I love that last pic of the worried cheetah - you can just see what he's thinking without even seeing his face.
Poor thing. If he's law-abiding, I only hope so are gazelles.

how often do we see buildings from that perspective?
My ungodly sense of humour suggests this might be a sermon point. "If you're a good lamb and go to Heaven, you'll finally get to see our church being pretty for once!"

It was metal and intended to be hung in a window. It was quite large - about the size of the average living room window.
Heh, this makes it sort like a removable window grill...

You're welcome! Glad you had fun!


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