Seen a movie: Arrival

Nov 15, 2016 20:51

For starters, I had to check the title again and again, and it kept slipping me. I still don’t know what makes Nowy początek (New Beginning) a better choice than Arrival according to Polish distributor, but okay…

I'm afraid spoilers are unavoidable, if I'm going to put here more than two pics and hundred words. Admittedly, they aren't very clear. ( Read more... )


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Comments 12

hamsterwoman November 15 2016, 21:22:22 UTC
I haven't seen this movie, and probably won't till it's out on DVD, because I'm the only one in the family likely interested in it at all, but it's based on a short story that I really love, Ted CHiang's "Story of Your Life", which is one of my favorite short stories ever. Not sure how faithful an adaptation it is, but I do highly recommend the story.


aletheiafelinea November 16 2016, 18:25:34 UTC
Right! There was a mention about it being "based on something something", but I didn't pay attention. But yes, I'd like to compare the written version, especially if you say it's good (I hope it has more communication development pieces - though I'd need a novel for it to be satisfied *g* - and that it makes more clear whether Ian abandoned Louise and their daughter or not). Thank you, I need to look about for it.

probably won't till it's out on DVD
Probably a good decision. It has a bunch of awesome photos (now I regret I haven't added one or two pics to the entry, like this one), but they make maybe three minutes total, and the whole rest - photos, sound, everything - won't lose anything on smaller screen. Especially if you want to check something again after The End, and you're probably going to, I can tell you...


alumfelga November 29 2016, 19:07:56 UTC
*not reading, maybe I'll want to see the film*
*but the spoilers aren't clear*
*you'd gone already if you really wanted to, admit it*
*okay, I need reviews to enrourage me*

On one hand, they did aim more at intellectual than flashy, and one of my favorite scenes was Louise explaining a question’s structure from the functional point of view and how understanding of its parts depends on perception and mentality.
That actually sounds interesting. Oh, if only films with aliens were like that...

Oh, time paradoxes! Didn't expect that in a film about "contact", I'm intrigued.

And vice versa, when checking if the aliens have the idea of individuality: “I'm Louise, this is Ian”. Fine, but how do you know you don't look the same to them, out of suits or not?
And if they have concept of names, it's not equal to concept of individuality.

And speaking of paradoxes, they retrospectively make confusing one thing that seemed clear at first. That and the remarks about the film being vague don't sound very encouraging, I have to be honest ( ... )


aletheiafelinea November 30 2016, 22:56:40 UTC
And if they have concept of names, it's not equal to concept of individuality.
This, too. All the time I was thinking "But how do you know you interpret right what you think is their interpretation? All the time you might be having two different conversations, thinking you understand each others."

That and the remarks about the film being vague don't sound very encouraging, I have to be honest.
The overall solution was clear, more or less, but I was confused about details. I wanted to know whether one character was or wasn't around in such and such moments of the storyline - the film makes it very unclear. And it's full of retrospections, but first you don't even know what exactly they are, and when you realize it, their chronology in relation to the main plotline becomes increasingly tangled. Then again, the film's point turns out to be about chronology being irrelevant in some circumstances, so maybe that was deliberate and supposed to give you the protagonist's perspective. Doesn't mean enjoyable, to me. :P

So, did you enjoy the ( ... )


alumfelga December 2 2016, 19:44:51 UTC
Poszłam sobie poszukać tego opowiadania, na podstawie którego powstał film (w międzyczasie przypomniało mi się, że obie znamy polski :D), no i nie wiem, jak bardzo film jest z nim zgodny, ale kurczę, udało Ci się nie zaspoilerować całej historii :) Pomysł mnie zaintrygował i zastanawiam się, jak go sprzedali w filmie, wymuszającym redukcję naukowej paplaniny, której mi nawet w opowiadaniu było mało (dwa zdania o fizyce i tony o języku, mogłabym prosić nieco bardziej po równo?), no i fajnie byłoby porównać swoją wizualizację z czyjąś. Przeczuwam jednak, że film spodoba mi się mniej niż samo opowiadanie.

(W tym samym zbiorze jest jeszcze przynajmniej jedno ciekawe opowiadanie - pierwszy raz czytałam horror matematyczny! :D)


aletheiafelinea December 7 2016, 20:37:02 UTC
Ej, ja tego jeszcze nie czytałam, dopiero zamierzam. XD

Obawiałam się, że sama wzmianka o tym, że retrospekcje są wizjami, to już ciężki spoiler. :)

(dwa zdania o fizyce i tony o języku, mogłabym prosić nieco bardziej po równo?)
Nie. Mi pasuje. :> Brzmi kusząco, horror matematyczny też.

Przeczuwam jednak, że film spodoba mi się mniej niż samo opowiadanie.
Jeśli opowiadanie zostawia człowieka z większą ilością emocji niż pytań, to z pewnością...

Ja się czasem wpół postu łapię na przeskoku językowym. A raz chyba nawet na drugi dzień po wysłaniu... XD


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