15 Characters Roulette Meme - answers

Aug 17, 2016 21:44

For the record, 15 is very little and culling was painful. offski asked if I was going to post answers without the list at first and make you guess, and I must say I was terribly tempted, alas I don't think it would work in this case - either too many hints or not enough in many/most of cases. Still, the idea is great and maybe we should do it sometime. :> For now, though, here's the current set:

1. (Captain) Jack Sparrow (PotC)
2. Anamaria (PotC)
3. James Norrington (PotC)
4. Anthony J. Crowley (Good Omens)
5. Patrician Havelock Vetinari (Discworld)
6. Greebo (Discworld)
7. DEATH (Discworld)
8. Thomas Raith (Dresden Files)
9. Karrin Murphy (Dresden Files)
10. Mab (Dresden Files)
11. Diaval (Maleficent 2014)
12. James 'Bucky' Barnes (MCU)
13. Clint Barton (MCU)
14. Jarvis (MCU)
15. Matthew Swift (Urban Magic)

2, 3, 5, 7, and 11 are a Five Man Band (in the heroic companions sense, not a musical group sense). Who is the Leader, Lancer, Chick/Heart, Smart Guy, and Big Guy? How well do they function as a team?
Norrington is the Leader, Vetinari the Lancer and DEATH is Big Guy. Diaval is smart enough to not try leaving Anamaria the place of Chick, and he's better at Hearting anyway. They work okay, especially after Vetinari (soon) discovers DEATH is not so mute after all and certainly not dumb, and they have a nice conversation, staying behind the others and letting them do the action. Norrington is somewhere between vaguely relieved and suspicious of being played (he's right). Anamaria is grumpy about working with a Navy (it's mutual), but gets over it when realizes they have a common goal (it's mutual). Still more eager to argue orders than follow them, though, so Diaval ends doing most of job.
How does #13 come to be their Sixth Ranger?
Clint is surprised himself... But not for long; he's used to coming out of the blue and being an addition.
Are they successful in opposing/defeating Big Bad #1?
As long as the goal involves stealing The Black Pearl, yes. :] But only in the first round. After that, technically they could success in making it again, but as soon as Jack realizes the team has Norrington and Anamaria and DEATH, he manages to outrun the horizon together with the Pearl. He doesn't even need a crew to that.

In honor of you joining the MCU fandom, however reluctantly :P -- #4, #8, and #12 gain superpowers -- what kind? (If they already have superpowers, they lose the ones they've got and gain different ones :P) Do they become superheroes or supervillains? What are their super[whichever] names? Do they keep their identity secret, or shout it from the rooftops? (Bonus: what are their origin stories?)
*cough* Actually I try to fan it without noticing the 'superhero' part. I almost manage. *g*
Crowley is the only who gets to choose his new superpower, and he decides he wants the immunity to holy water. He immediately goes to Aziraphale to boast. “Indeed, my dear, but wasn't there also this part with losing what you had already? Of course you're holy-proof, you're human now.” Irony is a bitch.
Unintentionally, but the same happens to Thomas. Unlike Crowley, he's happy about the result (Justine!), and hell yeah, would gladly shout it from highest rooftops in Chicago, if he wasn't afraid to basically announce her easy prey, especially when he's not useful to Lara anymore. However, soon he discovers humanity came with a bonus, being that he can turn invisible at a wish and walk around unnoticed, which is a really weird experience for him. The whole thing lasts a week after which all goes back to norm. Later turns out it was Harry, who felt guilty about keeping his comeback secret, so for Thomas' birthday he called a favor from Uriel (at least one unpaid fee!), who took some liberties about details.
Bucky's refusal to use what he has, at least the offensive part, is almost the same as losing it, and the encounter with T'Challa freaked him out enough to spontaneously develop a magical ability of detecting superheroes in a mile wide radius. That's why no one ever except him gets to know and he officially becomes a villain-that-been-around-once.

#6 and #9 swap lives. Are they happy with this turn of events? How do they get along with each other's families/friends? Is one of them better at living the other's life than the original?
“Dresden! It’s your fault! I don’t know how, but it is!”
Greebo is confused at first, but he gets plenty vampires to eat, so he shrugs and enjoys the new life. The rest of SI notices not before a week. No difference in size and ferocity, and everybody in the office communicate mostly in grunts anyway.

#10, #14, and #15 are classmates who have to work on a group project together. What topic do they choose to work on? Who does most of the work, who slacks off, who ends up freezing during the class presentation?
AaaaAAAaAAaaAAAAAaAAAAAA, high school AU!!! *runs away*
(Mab is the teacher giving a year-worth task with 24h deadline, Matthew mysteriously disappears the second he sniffs out paperwork, and Jarvis does the job on time.)

#3, #8, #9, and #14 on social media: Who has which -- LJ, Dreamwidth, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.? What do they post there? What is their username (and, if applicable, default icon/etc.)
Norrington has an official Twitter and Facebook with very official usernames and the Union Jack all over the themes. He uses it for communication with the fleet, shares the Admiralty's messages and weather forecasts, and never likes anything except news about promotions of others. On the side he has also an Instagram named @loneisland where he posts photos of small boats and sunsets over secluded lagoons.
Besides the official Sgt. Murphy and Toe-moss Twitter and fb accounts for co-workers (and clients in the latter's case) they both have also Team Dresden chat accounts, but they don't use these usernames anywhere else (especially the faux_frenchie).
Murphy has no fancy private accounts in popular places, but she's one of the oldest users on gardening-for-dummies.proboards.com (whatever Harry thinks, roses don't maintain themselves).
Thomas keeps also “private” Tumblr and Pinterest named @maisoui and full of glossy effects and pretty males (only quality photos; he may be a flaming stereotype, but he has standards); all employees and most of clients follow them. Besides that, he has also “true private” fb and Instagram accounts (@whiteprince and a flipping-the-bird icon) for the sake of the Court and “secret true private” accounts (@notsowhiteoutcast, a lake view from the Gold Coast for icons/themes) for the sake of Lara (who doesn't really pay much attention to them, but instead openly follows the @maisoui ones; they give away hardly more intel, but aren't as dull). He has no actual private private accounts except Last.fm and Goodreads (@hereforstuff, premium but with most of features unused, no icon, total mess in the lists), but if he's bored enough, he makes burner accounts everywhere and leaves at other Whites' pages vague comments making them wonder whether they might be not as well covered as they thought.
Jarvis runs Tony's all accounts and visits them more often than Tony himself, but besides that has also own ones basically everywhere. Unlike Tony's though, his are simplest possible, lurker accounts with only obligatory features and data, no theme but default minimum and no content. All are named @010010100110000101110010011101100110100101110011 (or @01001010 if there's a limit), which by the way would save him the trouble of finding out the name has been taken if he wasn't the first or one of the first users any time a new soon-to-be-popular(or-not) thing appears. He doesn't consider it “having an account”, though, but rather just being there; these are all parts of himself, though dispensable, like hair or skin cells for a human. He uses them mostly to observation, almost never speaking up to anyone except Tony, Pepper, Rhodey or Happy. In such cases he switches the username to @Jarvis, which he has secured in advance, too. Why did you think it's always taken? ^^

#5, #10, and #12 are going to a Halloween party/costume ball. What do they dress up as?
Vetinari goes as himself, because no one is going to believe it’s him. He’s right. He gets complimented the most, though.
Mab goes as the Summer Queen. Unlike with Vetinari, everyone falls for it. Especially that Titania came as Winter.
Bucky very pointedly wears the Hydriest Winter Soldier he can possibly pull off and an “I dare you” expression. Like this. He probably has brought that wall with himself, too, both for securing his back and making sure he has something to lean against challengingly.

#1 and #11 are getting married. Where do they hold the ceremony, and which of the other characters officiates?
The Patrician would graciously let them ask him for officiating, but the whole thing doesn't reach the stage of choosing the place or even ordering the cake, because:
A. Jack freaks out. Marital bonds??? Like, permanent??? Besides, he's taken already, even if everybody and their monkey keep stealing his bonnie lass...
B. Diaval is doubtful. Sure, the man is really eye-catching with all those shiny things on him, but... “Do you even know anything about nests in the first place?” (Jack decides that any sentence containing the words “crow's nest atop the mainmast” is a fine opportunity to practice silence that one damn time in his life.)

#3, #7 and #15 have a hobby in common. What is it?
It's time.
Norrington has a collection of chronometers in his cabin. Subordinates are eternally puzzled about which one is actually in use. (The smallest one, in the desk's compartment. But all the others are working too, and help checking each other. Except one that's hopelessly broken, but James keeps it out of sentiment.)
DEATH keeps the large pendulum clock in the hall just for the sake of appearance, but he's really fond of the hourglass lifetimers. He often polishes them and doesn't let Albert do it.
Matthew not only mindlessly follows daily patterns of the city but also keeps observing and comparing the changing rhythms - shifting of sunrise and sunset over the seasons and levels the light reaches on skycrapers; bus routes punctual deliberately and garbage trucks routes punctual with routine; ebbs and flows of traffic and bird choirs in different hours; the wave of opening and closing of shops; the crowd breathing with seconds counted on the New Year's midnight...

Which Hogwart's houses would #2, #6, #10, and #12 have been sorted into?
Yikes, this demands serious studies...
*comes back from Wiki*
Anamaria is Gryffindor, Greebo... Slytherin? Mab is the Slytherinest Slytherin that ever Slytherined, while Bucky is Hufflepuff through and through.
...I think?

#4 is in love with #9 but does not know how to approach them. They go to #13 for help. What advice do they receive?
Crowley sure is puzzled. What in Earth possessed him, for Go... Luci... someone's sake??? And he knows a thing or two about possessions, thank you very much. He's somehow uncomfortable with asking the angel for advice - he'd be so insufferably beaming and happy, eww. Well, in a crazy time the way to go is acting crazy - he can choose an advisor at random as well. He draws a name from a hat.
He must have hit in a rare moment of after-coffee clarity, because Clint's advice is “Don't”. He knows a thing not only about possessions, but also violent women. Especially workaholic violent women.
His advice is good, but not for those reasons. Murphy is nicer in romantic than in working relationships, but supernaturally long lifespan, all the more immortality, is a disqualification on spot to her. She could consider a casual thing for fun, but she has already tried it with one hellspawn and it was okay only until his professional life got involved.

If you asked #2 what #14's favourite colour is, what would they say? Would they be right?
Anamaria would say she has no idea and if you really have no bigger problems. The latter aside, she'd be actually more right than she thinks about the former, because Jarvis, when asked, would be surprised, admit that he never really thought about it, but also say that it's interesting problem, worth of long and thorough consideration. Truly to his word, after approximately 7.08 second he would say he likes any color that fits the circumstances, which means he likes #FF0000 better when Ms. Potts is wearing it, than on Mr. Stark. He thinks that #CCFF00 would be safer for his suit, especially over the streets, considering Mr. Stark favorite speed.

#5 is hosting a dinner party for #6, #8, and #13. Where would they hold it and what would the menu be?
Vetinari invites them to the Patrician's Palace, of course. Menu is ostentatiously luxurious and served on silver plates (or bowls, in case of Greebo, who besides is the only unbothered and sets on to polishing off anything in paw's reach). Clint is busy with frantic tries of recalling which fork is for crabs (it's been a while from the last time he had a mission below the roof level), and Thomas, while not as much at a loss about human food, eyes suspiciously the servants even prettier than the tableware and wonders whether he should read anything to it. Especially that Patrician, who has just a small sandwich for himself, keeps observing the guests with a polite smile.

Between 1 and 5, who is geekier?
Jack and Vetinari both think it about oneself. :)

8 and 11 are magical creatures. What kind?
Well, they are... XD But let's say it's a fantasy-furry-sation fanart. In such case Thomas is a unicorn - white, slim, long-tailed, flowy-maned, with the ridiculously longish, cartoony horn and probably shedding glitter at every step. Diaval is a centaur, because the only way to make him something new is making him two things at once...

3 finds 4's Very Secret Diary. What's in it, and how does 3 react?
Last and only time Crowley wrote a secret diary was soon after the Paradise affair, when he needed to think over some things that bothered him; later he was always either too busy or too sleepy. So if Norrington finds it (in the swag salvaged from a pirate schooner near the Barbary Coast), he turns it this way and that with a mild interest, then puts it away and forgets. He can't read cuneiform script.

Your turn. If you want. :)

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#7, #2, #8, #1, #4, #3, #ccff00, #5, #13, maleficent (2014), #6, marvel, #10, #14, terry pratchett, #9, potc, #ff0000, dresden files, kate griffin, #12, #11, meme, #15, good omens

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