Erica attempts rhyming poetry

Jan 27, 2008 21:37

A traveler in the desert
Coaxes tumbleweeds and lizards with his tears
His hardened heart belies his fears
Provides his shelter, his only goal:
To forget the sad-eyed woman
Who gave in body what he lacked in soul

In this place, regrets come plentiful as dirt,
As plentiful as hurt.
If only he'd left her more than
a child who won't recognize him.
The night wind whispers softly,
"No one is without sin"

With an audience of shadows and flickering flame
He begins to explain
That he was like the desert sand
Scooped and deposited in unfamiliar land.
listening for the night wind
To sing his destiny

Afterward, she'd claim he "took the best of me
In his big ole stride.
Left me 'big and old', didn't care if I cried.
But that's the way of things, I should have known
Not to listen now that damned wind's blown.

In the dark, in the cold
He promises the wind through a haze of liquor
"I'll be back before the baby kicks her.
Before my baby's too big to carry
I'll come home a man she can marry."

The night wind takes his promise to the sky
Where the stars can point him toward a place
Where the tumbleweeds don't tumble and the coyotes don't cry
Back to the arms of the woman dressed in lace.
A wedding veil faintly covering her face.

She'll cradle his face in her hands and say,
"It's true: You can't ever be without sin
But there are better gifts: You can learn to love.
You can forgive.
You can rejoice in the mornings
And thank god for warnings
That one day, the wind will force you to turn around, come home
and live."
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