
Apr 30, 2007 17:21

Jury is done. Bassoon final is done. I'll have my last meeting of Dr. Palac's Seminar in Music Curriculum and Methodology, where I turn in my curriculum project, 20-pages of lesson plans and schedules that looks far more professional than anything I could ever teach. But it's done!!!!!

A few setbacks today, but given my crazy weekend driving back and forth from Detroit to Lansing (literally, friday, saturday and sunday I spent part of the day in Detroit and the other in Lansing) I guess the chips fall where they may. I can't do anything about it now, so I should just be relieved that it's over.

She Loves Me was a lot of fun. I met a lot of fun people, had some good times, and made enough money to un-broke-ify myself. I love having a talent. It makes my life much more satisfying than working at Beaners.

AND I got a camera phone for my next phone. FINALLY. It's like when I bought that gameboy off of ebay, cause I'd always wanted one as a kid. No more parents buying the economy standard phone with ten ringtones that all suck and no perks aside from surviving a plunge in the toilet last summer.

Still no news from either Royal Oak or Birmingham's YMCAs. I know that Birmingham is supposed to be contacting me for a second interview, that's what the lady told me last monday, I just don't know why it's taking so long. And Royal Oak found my application, so I'm waiting to hear back if they want to interview me.

Ah, adulthood. The only people I have ever considered adults are my parents and my professors, in all honesty. Most people I have met who are only slightly farther in the game than I make adulthood look like an extended adolescence with a paycheck. I don't know where I'll end up, but the thought of a life like my parents gave me doesn't sound too unappealing. They made it look easy. That's why they're adults.

My standards are ridiculously high, I realize this. But it helps me to try and live up to them if they're high and I take no prisoners. I put myself to the same tests, and if I can survive them, it's possible that others can as well. This is why my friends are the best possible friends I could have and I don't take shit from anyone. I'm not a bitch: If you don't make the cut, there's a good reason.

One more final!!! OMG!!!!!!
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