Drabble: Under Authority

Jun 14, 2007 18:08

Title: Under Authority
Author: Ebonie Rose/ aletes_muse
Rating: 15 for language.
Genre: Gen. With no pairings. Nope, not even H/D. Shocker, eh? Oh, and humour.
Summary: This, Draco felt, was the worst day in the history of bad days.
Author's Notes: Right, well, this is a pretty random scene that floated into my head. It has absolutely no basis in canon, there is absolutely reason for me to post this and really I guess I shouldn't have even wrote it but, really, I was into deep into a rather angsty scene with my WiP and in a bouncy mood. So, this is the result. Enjoy!

Sorry, I forgot the cut when I first posted this.

Under Authority
by Ebonie Rose

December 3rd 2005

This, Draco felt, was the worst day in the history of bad days. It wasn't as if things hadn't started bad enough, what with his alarm startling him so much he had rolled out of bed and landed in a heap on the floor, they simply had to progress onto worse things. Worse things which included a meeting with the Headmaster, who obviously felt that Draco's teaching methods were not up to expectations.

"Draco," Severus Snape said slowly, "I trust you understand why it is necessary for me to suspend you from teaching for the next two months."

Draco nodded. "Of course I do," Draco said bitterly. "It's because of that bitch over there." He raised a hand and pointed one perfectly manicured finger at the blonde Ravenclaw sitting across from him in Snape's office, beside her parents. The third year girl's eyes narrowed and both her parents scowled at him. Draco was almost positive he didn't give a shit.

"Draco!" Snape cried. "That is not proper behaviour for a teacher, who is supposed to hold up the ideals of our school.'

Draco sighed and stood up, kicking back the chair he was sitting on. He strode towards the door, flinging over his shoulder, "Excuse me, sir, if I say I don't give a bloody shit about the ideals of the school. Ex-Death Eaters tend not to thrive under authority."

At the door he turned and gave Snape the two fingered salute before promptly hexing a tail onto the Ravenclaw's face, aiming a Bat-Bogey hex at Mrs. Patterson and turning Mr. Patterson, the head of the Board of Governor's, into a squirrel.

The next day, shortly after lunch, an owl arrived with Draco's official notice of termination.

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