awww well my birthday is over =( . it didn't even feel like my birthday at alll, which is why i wanna do it. i should have let myself have more fun instead of cleaning all the time.. but oh well... thanks for coming guys! i loveeee you!
here is what i got:
1) an 'a' purse (its cool!)
5) hair shit
6)lip gloss
7) money
8)a fish! he's cute.
10)flip flops
11) nail polish
12) straightner!
13) a shirt
14) a dildo.. hah yes a fucking dildo hahaha what the hell
i forgot what else ig ot but for the most part awesome things!!!! =) oh and i got boooz . mmmm coolers are the best things ever made.... pina colada bacardi breeezers i suggest =D!
i've been in a really weird mood lately. like im sad alllll the time. and i dunno what it is, but i just am. it's weird.. and it sux alot! but oh wellll !
im really stressed now too!!.. i have so much fuckin work due in like a week. soooo much. ahhhhhh i better go get started on that soon, but i actually have a procrastination problem. fuck. this sux.. so baddddd... i need more time, or should have used my time wisely. apparantly my writers craft thing has to be done tomorrow.. i usually didnt care about writers craft cuz its like pointless.. but in reality.. it is a grade 12 university class.. so it's gonna be looked at after next yr... fuckkkk. and i'm failing it, well i don't know if i am now, cuz i handed in the big project! but ahh shit.. i hate this time of year, but on the bright side it's almost summmmmer!! i wanna get my g1 before it tho.. goin again on wednesday..3rd times a charm! haha i hope..
mmm i ate the best food this weekend. it was my bday weekend so obviously brought back the carbs... mmm they were good. i feel bad after eating it all, but now i have to just start again. wow, one benefit is the littlest things like a random piece of bread taste amazing after not eating it for so long. ahha wieght sucks!
awwww jess i'm happy for you.. hopefully somethin happens in this situation.. its cool tho, cuz its mutual, and we know for sure.. and aww mariko and mike too.... damn, i want a boy.. hahah oh well.. lets go find one!
im gonna go work now!! BYE !!!
aleta_hevenor may explode without warningM