
Feb 07, 2011 11:48

I had a really great time this weekend trying out the Rift beta. It's under an NDA but everything I'm going to talk about is public knowledge on their website at this point. If you like fantasy games in the spirit of FFXI and WoW you should seriously look into this game.

Long review within. )

rpg, video games

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Comments 12

crossfire February 7 2011, 17:03:47 UTC
Is it geared for soloing or for groups? Or neither?


alessar February 7 2011, 17:56:49 UTC
You can solo or group. Soloing depends on your build. Doc has a mage who he solos with a lot, but the one I built on Saturday (to team with his fighter) didn't do well at all when I tried to do some things on my own, but he is so low level he has very few powers. My cleric and my rogue were able to solo fine, but even a duo seemed a lot easier. I showed up at one (smallish) rift event and there was only 1 other player. He was a cleric. We formed a duo and cleared the whole rift ourselves.

Also, added since you started typing: Open beta infos!


crossfire February 7 2011, 18:05:46 UTC
brb signing up


bonisagus February 7 2011, 18:36:56 UTC
Oh you can share quests. Apparently, there's a button on the quest menu. You can solo mages and clerics, mages are really dependent on what you pick for souls. My mage is up to 22. I die often but having played so many blasters I laugh in the face of Regulos.


Rift danakate February 7 2011, 18:22:42 UTC
Ooh, thanks for the info. I might check it out. Because, you know, I NEED MOAR GAMES.


Re: Rift alessar February 7 2011, 18:53:43 UTC
Or at least a really good one. Oooh, you can join us on vent as we talk about things like cooking and crafting (real world) while slaying monsters (in-game).


Re: Rift danakate February 7 2011, 19:28:11 UTC
Maybe I'll poke around during the open beta and see what it's all about. :)

As for crafting, I haven't been doing much other than the stupid work badges I've been making. ;)


bonisagus February 7 2011, 18:42:01 UTC
I think you can actually change classes later on but I'm not a 100% sure. I also think they are going to release "epic classes" after go-live sometime too.


alessar February 7 2011, 18:54:38 UTC
I think so. I actually did some quest and got a Bard soul on my character who's a rogue but I didn't want to mess around with resetting my soul points yet. But the soul came from a Named Character and I could see how that might not be just any bard but a Special!Bard


bonisagus February 7 2011, 19:28:46 UTC
I think you can actually change your character's role. Which means a blank slate and no souls. I think you could start as a mage and switch to say warrior. I'm not sure though.


alessar February 8 2011, 16:30:32 UTC
I've been reading some forums and I think I have found this out. You can buy up to 3 more roles for your character and it's like City and WoW's multiple build system. You can thus have a damage spec, healing spec, tanking spec on your cleric. Apparently the first extra role is relatively cheap, like 50 gold. The extra subclass quests are roughly level 15 so you can actually do multibuilds pretty early.


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