Bonus Pictures!

Sep 29, 2009 15:06

I have a few more Guild Wars screenshots but these are a mixed bag and not resized for the most part. Remember a while back I said I took down Guild Wars' answer to Tremor Ram?

Here he is coming up the trail at us with the rest of his herd. The boss has a silverish battle aura. And this is what it looked like when we dropped him; click to enbiggen:

Here's Aleron working his way through the cursed Echovald Forest. He's probably hunting rumors of the black moa from the native Kurzick people.

A lot of Cantha is taken up by Kaineng City, which dwarfs pretty much every MMO fantasy game city ever. The city covers half a continent and its neighborhoods are each a zone. Some of the districts exist at different elevations. At the very base of the huge urban buildup is the Undercity, which is mostly a sewer/shantytown, but here's a small cluster of decent looking habitations just nestled among it like a flower growing out of crack in the pavement.

Back on the main, eponymous continent of Tyria, there's an area called Kessex Peak. Dominating the southernmost tip is a mysterious wizard's tower. This is a view of the tower from across the bay. For the longest time I wondered how someone made the tower float, until I visited the Riven Earth zone and discovered other flying rocks there. Still, someone must have hauled a huge floating boulder at least 500 miles and then anchored it in place. Now that's ambition.

And finally, a picture of Aleron in the Ironhorse Mines region of the Northern Shiverpeaks. You can travel the length of a mountain range and still discover that some of the prettiest terrain was close to wear you started from.

guild wars, screenshots

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