The USB ports on my computer aren't working. There are a ton of pictures that I want to scan on the printer and upload from my computer, but I can't :( It also means that I can't print out x-mas cards.
We went to see Santa today at the Reno mall with the Carson City Moms club. Jasmine did pretty good. She didn't smile, but she didn't cry. Apparently that Santa is Thai, I couldn't tell (he told me because he was asking about me and Jasmine.) I'll scan the picture when my computer is working properly and let you all see.
lordlymight gets back from Alabama tomorrow night, but he has to work the weekend. I got his present bought and wrapped (yay me!)
I think we are going to leave for 'Vegas the night of the 16th (you know, our neighbors are probably going to think we are such Scrooges. I think our house is the only one not decorated right now, but we are never here for the holidays.) I still have to set up a time for us to get our pictures taken. They closed all the Wal-Mart studios here, and the Target here doesn't have a studio, so I don't know who to use that isn't ridiculously expensive.
I'm baking cookies tomorrow. We have a Hannukah party to go to Saturday, and
lordlymight's unit's party to go to Sunday.
I think I only have 6 people left to buy for, Grandmother, mother, father, step-father, and G (K's daughter.) Not too bad, better than last year.
Well... I think that's all for now.