Jasmine is two months old now! She's huge and soon won't fit in my lap. I'll post some pictures tomorrow, under a friends lock. She has to go to the doctor tomorrow. I think she is supposed to get shots :(
Jasmine still hasn't learned to breastfeed. About two weeks ago my supply really lowered (I was pumping out her next meal right before she had it.) So we rented a hospital grade pump, and I started taking
Fenugreek and now I reek of maple syrup. My supply is back up, I have about 50 ounces in the freezer, and about 35 ounces in the fridge. Oh, yeah, TSA has changed its weird guidelines about having to
taste breast milk
I promise to not become a mommy blogger! I will eventually post things that have nothing to do with Jasmine.
lordlymight is in 'Vegas again, he comes back on Saturday (with Korean food, yum.)
We have our tickets to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving. Yay for vacation.
And to whom ever keeps calling the house phone, I didn't pick up the phone the first 15 times you called, I doubt I'm going to pick up the receiver on the 16th call, leave a message!
Finish laundry
Finish washing dishes
Vaccum clean
Put away files
Finish sorting books
Remember to put trash cans out tonight
Call grandparents
Eat pho
Clean bathrooms