My First Sims Up For Download

Jan 02, 2012 17:58

I don´t know why, but today I decided I would start updating my journal.
I´ve been wanting to do this since before last summer, but for one reason or another I just haven´t been able to.
So today, as I´m waiting for my mother to come back home while I babysit my little sister,
I've decided The Time Has Come™.

My first sims up for download. EVER. I wasn't even playing Sims anymore since before the summer, but I'm always a sim lurker here at LJ. So just out of curiosity I rolled the pixel_trade Holiday Simstravaganza random numbers, and the traits were just way too perfect. Almost creepy. So much I actually took a photo of them. Unfortunately it's on my little brother's computer and I haven't had time to look for it. Anyway, a character popped into my head and I just had to reinstall the game on the family's computer just for the challenge. I rolled 2 more times, So for a total of 3 sims, I present to you:

Samael (Von Matterhorn)*

Traits:  Alluring - Mysterious - Devil - Attractive - A serious face.

Samael is, in my opinion, the ultimate Byronic hero. I won't even get started on trying to describe him. Also, he's awesome. Romance/Fortune, 8/9/8/0/0.

With CC / No CC

*(If you get the Von Matterhorn reference here's a cookie for you! :D If not, here are some links: 1 / 2)

Ahuizotl "Wiz" Tizoc*

Traits:  Crazy - Truculent - Materialist - A big nose - Thick brows.

He's a really quirky, adorable ludomaniac. He's not a bad person even though he does have a liiiittle problem with gambling. And cheating. Aaannnd getting caught. But still, he just wants to make some money, as quickly and easily as possible. Can you really blame him for that? Fortune/Pleasure, 2/8/1/9/5.

With CC / No CC

*His name is in Nahuatl, a Mexican language. Ah-WIZ-oh-tl. So just call him Wiz.

Kelly Belle

Traits: Fanatical - Fierce - Bigshot - Crimped Hair - Blind.

Kelly was a professional jockey, perhaps the best one the Sim Country had seen in decades. Obsessed with winning, she was fierce and competitive. She was even considered to be the most important and influential female jockey of her time. Until she was badly injured due to an accident that led to a 7 horse fall during a race. She was left with a blind right eye, a broken pelvis and several scars across the face. That ended her very successful and short-lived career, but not her passion for riding and horses, which she now transmits to young children as a horseback-riding instructor.** Family/Popularity, 5/1/8/1/10.

With CC / No CC

**Sadly, Kelly Belle's story is based off of my former horseback-riding instructor. She was a great jockey, perhaps not a very famous one, but certainly an inspiration to me and the rest of the children she taught to. I'm sure she would've made it big, she's an amazing teacher and person. :)

I Hope everything works out all right, if not, please let me know! I hope you enjoy my crazy sims as much as I have :) And here are a couple more pictures!

Until next time

alessandrae, !sims 2, !holiday simstravaganza, !download: adult

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