Dear Yuletide Writer 2015

Oct 17, 2015 15:54

Dear Yuletide Writer,

Thank you for offering whatever fandom(s) and character(s) you did that led to you being assigned me. I’m super excited about all 6 of my requested fandoms, so I’m sure this is all going to turn out wonderfully.

I’m on Ao3 as alessandralee, LJ as alessandra_lee, and tumblr as faleronofkingsreach.

This is my first Yuletide, and I’ve requested Emelan, Protector of the Small, Girl Meets World, Call the Midwife, Stitchers, and The Librarians.

Moving on to the general listing of things. This is long.

Likes: female character, female friendships, female interpersonal dynamics, character-centric fics, found families, bed-sharing trope, pining (resolved or otherwise), holiday fic, seasonal activities (sledding, sipping spiced cider, raking leaves, picnics, going to the beach, etc.), fluff, happy endings, future fic, established relationships, slice-of-life, emotional support, post-relationship fic (angst?), banter, affectionate teasing.

Dislikes: first or second person, focus on pregnancy/children (characters being pregnant and having kids is fine, but I’m not interested in fic that is about that), main character death, explicit sex (character having consensual sex is great, I just don’t want the details), rape/non-con, large age gaps in romantic relationships, character bashing (unless it fits with two characters’ canon feelings about each other), crossovers, incest, mpreg, canon-divergent AUs (as opposed to totally changing all the circumstances AUs),  infidelity, torture, abuse, gore, soulmate AUs.

And now for the fun stuff.

Emelan - Tamora Pierce

  • Characters: Briar Moss, Daja Kisubo, Sandrilene fa Toren, Trisana Chandler
  • I’m just wrapping up my Great Tamora Pierce Reread of 2015 (only Battle Magic is left), and it’s led to a much greater appreciation of the relationship between these four.
  • Therefore I’d like something that focuses on that.
  • They managed to repair their strained bond in Will of the Empress and I’d love to see what happens next.
  • How do they maintain that bond as they pursue their adult lives?
  • Tris intends to go to Lightsbridge, what does everyone else do?
  • Does Tris visit them at all? Do the others stay near each other and see each other reguarly?
  • Do they keep in touch via letters? Their bond? Are some of them better and keeping in touch than others?
  • Does Vedris end up naming Sandry as his heir?
  • I’m not really interested in romance for this fandom, but I wouldn’t be bothered if it was mentioned in passing or as it pertains’ to individual characters’ development.
  • Please don’t have Briar, Daja, Sandry or Tris be romantically involved with each other.

Protector of the Small - Tamora Pierce

  • Character: Keladry of Mindelan
  • Kel is probably my favorite fictional character of all time.
  • I just want more of her.
  • I’m particularly interested in what happens to her after her series ends.
  • We know she’s a commander at hear, and she’s using those skills to run New Hope. How does that go?
  • What happens after the Scanran War ends? Where does she go? What does she do?
  • I’d also love to see anything that focuses on her relationships with people like Raoul, Buri, Lalasa, Princess Shinko, the boys she trained for knighthood with, Dom (I like these two romantically, but I’d also enjoy something that wasn’t romantic, or something that involved them having been together, but ending poorly), or the men of the King’s Own.
  • Does she take a squire? Does she consider taking one? What’s her relationship like/feelings towards the second girl to openly train for knighthood?
  • I mentioned that I like Kel/Dom, and I also like all of the canon pairings (Raoul/Buri, Roald/Shinko, Neal/Yuki).

Girls Meets World

  • Characters: Farkle Minkus, Isaiah “Zay” Babineaux, Lucas Friar, Maya Hart, Riley Matthews
  • I love the friendship between these five, and all I really want is something that focuses on that.
  • I have a weakness for future fic when it comes to GMW, and I’d love to see how their friendship progresses in high school or college.
  • High School: How do they balance their other interests and friendships? Lucas is an athlete, Farkle an academic, Maya an artists, Zay has shown interest in ballet, and Riley is still finding her niche (has she found it by high school?). Do they have friends outside of each other or do they stick to their own group? How do they balance everything?
  • College: Do they all end up in the same place? If so, how do they branch out and pursue their own interests while still remaining friends? Do they go to Maya’s art shows, Farkle’s debate competitions, Lucas’s baseball games, or Zay’s recitals? If they end up apart, how to keep in touch/visit each other? Are some of them not so great at this?
  • How do their group dynamics change as they get older?
  • Superhero AU
  • The romantic ships I am most interested in are Lucas/Maya, Riley/Maya, Farkle/Riley, Zay/Riley, and Charlie/Riley, but I’d prefer the focus to be on the overall group dynamic.

Call the Midwife

  • Character: Trixie Franklin
  • Having a show all about the relationships between woman is pretty much the greatest thing ever.
  • But for the purposes of simplicity at tag matching, I’ve chosen to focus on Trixe, who I have a big soft spot for.
  • I’d love anything that focuses on Trixie’s relationship(s) with one of more of the other women in the series, especially the other midwives.
  • I’d like to see something set after Nonnatus House
  • And I’d be equally happy with a scene from daily life at Nonnatus
  • I’d love to see Trixie get some kind of happy ending. She’s had a rough life, and I was to see her feel secure and stable.
  • I liked Tom, and their relationship, and wouldn’t mind seeing them get back together to work things out.
  • Alternately, I’d also like to see Trixie get some closure and more on from that.
  • So really anything about Trixie’s relationship, past, or future that ends on a happy/hopeful note.


  • Characters: Camille Engelson, Kirsten Clark
  • What I’d really like is just a slice of life friendship fic featuring these two.
  • Girls’ night out/in
  • Work-related scenes (Camille piloting a stitch, or accompanying Kirsten in the field since Cameron is out of commission)
  • How do they get closer as Kirsten becomes more in touch with her emotions
  • Relying on each other in times of high stress/emotion
  • turning to each other for advice
  • domestic scenes: divvying up chores, buying an new couch, arguing over what color to paint the living room, Camille leaving all her shoes in a pile by the door and Kirsten getting annoyed, etc.

The Librarians (TV 2014)

  • Characters: Cassandra Cillian, Ezekiel Jones
  • I do ship these two romantically, but I understand that isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Therefore most of these prompts work romantically or platonically.
  • I’d just really appreciate it if you didn’t write anything that implied them to be in relationships/romantically interested in other people
  • I think these two would make for fun AUs
  • actual, real life, mundane librarians AU
  • I also love college AUs, office, bar, coffee shop, rival small business owners, superheroes, bakery, and pretty much any AU other than soulmates or sexual stuff
  • Anything holiday or seasonal themed would be wonderful (for any holiday or season, not just Christmas/winter, although we already know Cassandra loves Christmas)
  • Alternately, anything that just features the two of them hanging out, blowing off steam together after a tough day, or working a case just the two of them
  • I’d prefer not to get something angsty or sad with regards to Cassandra’s tumor

So that’s pretty much it. Best of luck! I can’t wait to see what you write.


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