Oct 25, 2004 00:07
Ah another lone night for yours truly. It wouldn't be racking my brain if I would just find something to do but I've come to the realization that if I watch another television show my mind will turn to mush. On most cases I love being in the states. There's nothing better than walking down Rodeo dr. looking for cute shoes, hitting the beach or hanging out in New York but sometimes I can't help but miss my good ol' England.
I also account my lonliness on the fact that my two best friends in the whole wide world, Sabrina and Su-Elise (the other members of Mis-teeq) are in England as well preparing for their impending nupitals with Ian and Charles. As I once told you I am also engaged but to a guy who really isn't worth my time anymore. More than likely I'll call him tomorrow and break up with him since we really haven't talked in like 4 months. I guess you can say we're already broken up but there's no way I'm giving back this ring. This ring could eat J'lo's pink diamond so guess where its staying?
Anyways I've gotten way beside the point. Back to the lonliness shall we?
I think I've tried to fill the void of being with Harvey and/or my friends by partying every weekend consistently. Not that that's a bad thing, I've been having a blast. This is the longest I've been in America so I'm living it up. However sitting around the house when I'm not partying reminds me how far I am away from everyone and how I wish I had more people to surround myself with here. Boy is this post getting depressing or what? So at this point I will walk away and try to find something to do in this huge house of mine. Its about 4 in the morning in England so I can't call my friends to reminesce or chat with to cure my forlorn ache.Maybe I'll turn on the television to watch the rest of that dreadful Sox/Cardinals game in hopes that it will send me into a peaceful slumer.