As of yesterday afternoon, I'm now the proud owner of a
worm composting bin, brought to me by Freecycle. What I really didn't expect, though, is.....drumroll here......that it would actually come with worms! For some reason, I thought I was getting a container, and nothing more. Nope! Wrong. I was mistaken.
So yesterday afternoon saw a bit of scrambling to build a worm habitat (in short, lots of damp newspaper), and I hope I can keep them alive and happy. I've already removed my first tentative food scraps from yesterday--apparently citrus "aggravates" worms, and should not be included in worm bins. There's a great deal to learn, but it's all very exciting. Given that worms also like paper and cardboard for bedding, I feel that done correctly, I may just have created a recycling center for all my food and paper scraps (except for citrus.)
Housemates seem skeptical, but tolerant so far.