hahaha. kerry a communist? uhh, sure..bold statement.
two faced? who has given 9 different reasons why we have invaded Iraq? who said "Mission Accomplished" before this was was even over? who has failed to create a plan to end war in Iraq?
liar? where are the weapons? where are the terrorists in iraq? where is osama bin laden?
who gives tax cuts to the wealthy? who helps large corporations get away with murder? who FUCKING sent us to war for NO GOOD reason!? who led this country from the greatest surplus to the greatest deficit? who wants to control womens baby makers and tell them what they can and cannot do with their own bodies?
yes, mr. bush. our commander and theif.our resident liar.
see...you are blinded and close minded. never want to hear the other side. republican morals have been shoved down your throat all your life (because well, that's what st.theresa is..a republican nazi cesspool) and anything the oppostition has to say is against the grain.
how can i relax? this is the most important election in history and this country is showing it's true colors. just look at the way people have voted so far. we DESERVE to be hated by everyone.
close minded? me? you don't even know why we went to war. so don't go around saying that i'm closed minded. i know what bush does. i know why he did what he did, and apparently you don't. so don't speak of what you know nothing about.
so sad that the youth is blinded by lies and
false promises.
how can anyone support this guy
and keep a straight face.
see? we're not soo different
Go Bush :D
kerry a communist?
uhh, sure..bold statement.
two faced?
who has given 9 different reasons why we have invaded Iraq?
who said "Mission Accomplished" before this was was even over?
who has failed to create a plan to end war in Iraq?
where are the weapons?
where are the terrorists in iraq?
where is osama bin laden?
who gives tax cuts to the wealthy?
who helps large corporations get away with murder?
who FUCKING sent us to war for NO GOOD reason!?
who led this country from the greatest surplus to the greatest deficit?
who wants to control womens baby makers and tell them what they can and cannot do with their own bodies?
yes, mr. bush.
our commander and theif.our resident liar.
never want to hear the other side.
republican morals have been shoved down your throat all your life (because well, that's what st.theresa is..a republican nazi cesspool) and anything the oppostition has to say is against the grain.
how can i relax?
this is the most important election in history and this country is showing it's true colors.
just look at the way people have voted so far.
we DESERVE to be hated by everyone.
you don't even know why we went to war. so don't go around saying that i'm closed minded. i know what bush does. i know why he did what he did, and apparently you don't. so don't speak of what you know nothing about.
enlighten me!
why did we go to war!?
i apparently know nothing about why we did and i REALLY would like to know..
sum it up for me.
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