In tune with the land...

Jun 07, 2005 07:22

(( New character profile, new gamem WoW baby~ ))

Name: Aleros
Class: Druid of the Talon
Race: Night Elf
Age: 10,314
Hair: Long, silky white with bangs parted and falling down right in front of his ears.
Eyes: Faintly yellow glowing.
Height: 7'5"
Weight: 210
Blood: Unkown
Voice: Deep, smooth and molodic

Build: Long slender legs and mid section, with a well built upper body and strong arms.

Noticeable features and/or actions: As a druid he is in tune with nature and a firm believer in the balance of nature. As such he's had a great deal of training in the druidic ways, having control over many beasts and even in some instances has the ability to change into some beasts. Originally a Druid of the Talon, able to transform into a Storm Crow, after the Great War, the bird spirits present within the Emerald Dream that gave the Druids of the Talon their power have disappeared. As such, he has taken up training under the Cenarion Circle and the Druids of the Claw. Thus, he is able to change into feline (cat) and ursine (bear) forms and harness their feral strengths and agility.

Personality: He doesn't speak often, letting his actions speak in place of words. At times he can be a shameless flirt while others he can be very serious. He prefers to keep to himself and to only those that he is close to, but does not mind mingling. Some of his words and actions are questionable in nature, sometimes so much so that one cannot really determine what "side" he is on. Once a firm believer in honor and justice, over time he found himself disliking the bias brought about by such ideas, what was honorable and right to one particular side wasn't necessarily to another thus he is now more of a firm believer in a balance of power among all things.

Items/equipment: Wildheart Raiment, leather robes designed with the feathers and symbols of the Talon Order, someday hoping to gain full recognition within the Cenarion circle so that he can wear the regalia of a Cenarion druid. He most often weilds a staff, but is known to pick up a war hammer from time to time. Otherwise in his feral forms, his claws do most of the flesh ripping.

Family: At the moment, none that are known of, however it is rumored that he has a brother.

Housing: His home lies within the dense forests of Ashenvale and Moonglade, along the bases of Mount Hyjal, however in the ever adventurous world, he stays just about anywhere he can get a good night's sleep.

Past: Originally a Druid of the Talon, he was one of the original druids taken under the teachings of Cenarius and later Shando Stormrage. When the first war with the Burning Legion was at an end, he entered the Emerald Dream with all the druids in the order, sleeping for nearly 10,000 years, during which time he had multiple visions in the dream, not all of his world or even of the Emerald Dream itself. Upon awakening from his slumber, he assisted Tyrande in the fight against the Burning Legion's second attempt upon their world, and eventualy fought at the very base of The World Tree against Tychondrius himself. His need to see the world in balance brought a great hatred for The Burning Legion and their multiple attempts upon the world, leading him to gladly participate in any crusade against them, even lending his services to a demon hunter known as Illidan... However, most of the facts about his past he does not openly speak of.
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