Sep 17, 2009 10:02
Woops it's been a bit since I posted, bad me. My garden is doing well, I think my mystery 'bean' plants are a crook neck yellow squash and a zucchini respectively and they are huge, I hope I can get some veggies off them before they die. I have tomoto's coming out my ears, my cucumbers developed some disease and I had to pull them all.
Dad went into the hospital for 4 days with yet another infection. He's home now and doing better, his breathing still sucks but the doc says it's improving.
I had 3 biopsy's last/this week and am playing the waiting game, which I hate, I'm trying not to think to hard.
Kris is making an attempt at school, so far so good. He won 2nd place in a plant arrangement at the Puyallup Fair, it was a project for his plant biology class.
I think that's about it. Soup and Cards is happening September 26th then again on Halloween. Hope all is well.