Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 weird
facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need
to choose the 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag
Tagged by
1.) I think I've developed some fixation on my health. In strange ways. Or with DDR. Like, if I go one day without gym class and don't play DDR, I feel like a fat slob. And when I'm at BK I like to snack on foods and hate myself for it afterwards.
2.) I cannot play more than one video game at a time! I refuse to pick up or look at another game if I'm not finished one yet (unless for some strange reason I've given up on it, which doesn't happen very often).
3.) After over 6 years, Xena is still my favorite television show of all time. And Gabrielle my favorite character.
4.) I hate watching a movie with someone if they've already seen it, and it is my first time watching it. Usually I'll say "forget it" and suggest doing something else.
5.) Nobody that I personally know from everyday conversation will believe this, but I am a crier. I am so oversensitive, it is ridiculous. None of my friends believe me when I tell them I cry when I'm with Keith all the time. My mother and her mother before her were criers, and very, very sensitive. I'm afraid I won't be able to go half an hour into my wedding ceremony without bawling. Actually, over half the time I orgasm, I cry. It seems that I let out all of my feelings that way.
6.) I'm a lover and a writer of yuri/femmeslash. A lot of narrow minded people in the world think it strange that I love reading/writing girl relationships even though I'm heterosexual. However, I think it's beautiful. And the unbalanced relationship between the amount of yuri versus yaoi I've written is huge. I've included one suggestive yaoi relationship one fic so far. That's it.
I don't really feel like tagging people. Meh.