Well, I think it's time for another Injury Update. But on the good news...I got my Season 8 Buffy the Vampire Slayer #1 comic. I got the regular version and a limited edition version! Will be reading soon. Also got a Cordelia & Faith action figure. Whoo hoo!!! OK now on to my injury....
I am NOT 100%. I'm actually having a lot of trouble again. I went to see my Nuerologist and he's more concerned with me quitting wrestling and getting a new career than just helping me for right now. In all honesty, he's knows his stuff and I think he really means well. It's just hard to explain that wrestling is your life. People outside of wrestling, especially men, don't always get it. If they aren't getting turned on by the fact that I wrestle, then they are appalled and/or worried that I am gonna end up paralyzed or dead.....sometimes...they have a 3 responses.
So.....I am honoring all of my bookings. If you see my schedule, you will see that I am quite busy the last 2 weeks of March, but I don't have too many dates in April. It then picks back up a bit in May. This little break in April is in hope that I can get myself to 100%. For now, I have a bunch of directions I have to follow (including wearing the neck brace at time) and take a bunch of stuff. But I'll be OK.
Some of my booking dates, I will be wrestling and some of the dates, I will be there in another capacity....managing, reffing, etc. I am trying not to take anymore time off, but don't look for my April schedule to fill up. That's my healing time.
Thanks for all your concern and support!
http://www.AlereLF.com (Revamped and continuously improving)