Last weekend & Eric Simms

Nov 08, 2004 20:47

Before I go into my rant, I would like to discuss this weekend....

Can you believe that you have to have 24 hours between tanning sessions?? I rarely tan, but I did go Thursday night. Kris Chambers and myself went to go tanning Friday afternoon and they said it wasn't a full 24 hours so I couldn't tan. What a bunch of crap!!

Anyway, on to this weekend's shows.

This Friday, I wrestled for Pro Wrestling Unplugged (PWU) which is run by the Backseat Boyz, Johnny Kashmere & Trent Acid. I was not expecting to wrestle. But, in the lockerroom, Ashe Samuels kept talking a lot of trash on women. Calling us all names. I think he was bitter because he was not given the match that he wanted...or even a match at all. I am an advocate for Women's rights, as well as other issues, so hearing Ashe's comments really pissed me off. So I grabbed my gear, threw it on in record time while he was in the ring trashing the women there. I decided to make my presence known. It didn't go as well as I thought it would. He refused to "Lower himself" by wrestling a female. So I started pushing him and hitting him. I hit him with my tomahawk chop of death and that was the final straw. I don't remember much after that to be honest, I was knocked unconcious. But I put up a fight. I know he was complaining about a servere headache later. The thing about being an activist is that you are not going to win every fight, you may get killed badly...but you never give up. And if you die, you die fighting the good fight. I am quite alive, and this fight is NOT over. I wasn't out that long I don't think. Someone gave me smelling salts and I woke right up. I even was able to make it back out there to watch Mana the Polynesian Warrior's match. The DR told me to rest and not to move, but Mana is one of my best friends and well, Corporal Robinson is known for his ass whippings. I wanted to be there for Mana even though I could only watch and pray. Had I not been is so much pain, I'd had been right there by Mana's side during the fight.

The next day I went to CCW in CT where I wrestled Cindy Rogers in a technical match. The match went well, but in the end, Cindy got me to tap to her "TCB." Cindy is really tricky and a great technical fighter. Next time, I'll have to rely on other styles and not JUST technical.

Sunday, I went to the annual WXW Awards banquet. It's always a lot of, dancing, friends, & awards! Last year I won the "Most hearted"....they saw the fighter in me early on. This year, was a much better year for me at WXW. As I gained more experience, I learned that sometimes I had to do whatever it took to win. I had to incoporate a mix of different styles to my advantage. And though I have so much more to learn...a LOT more....the mix of styles seems to be working well. I won the Elite 8 tournament this year afterall. At the awards banquet, I won "WXW Woman of the Year." It's quite an honor to be named that. I was caught offguard and actually had a shy moment. That is until Pops said that I love to talk and told Vale & Lance to give me the microphone. The shyness went right away!

Sunday during the dinner, Luscious Lily told me about a certain column that was written by Eric Simms on the DOI site. I rarely read Mr Simm's columns, but I have read some. I read his column bashing Low Ki, and his sexual interview with April Hunter. I did not care for the interview nor the bashing...but to each his own. I try to mind my own business and not have any problems with anyone. I heard Eric Simms on the Masked Maniac hotline when he was talking about the interview he did. I personally feel that since he asked April nothing but sexual questions, that he should interview some of the boys and ask them the same sort of questions. I had no real problem with his columns until my name was mentioned in his latest column. There is a difference between a fan saying that I am on their sex list....or someone joking around. Now, I have not been around a long time, so who am I to have an opinion about this sport or the business aspect of this sport. I just want to wrestle. BUT, when my name comes up from a person who speaks about respect, why then talk about me like I am a whore. I work very hard and am doing my best and trying to learn as much as I can. It's hard enough, why do I have to read a column disrepecting women by a man older than my father. Would I feel this disrespected had I been on the Masked Maniac's hotline and he asked me the type of questions he asked April? NO! That is the Masked Maniac's gimmick and he would ask the men the SAME types of questions. I am not angry with Eric Simms...there is no heat, I just would have rather he spoke about me differently. Saying you are hot...which if you ask Mana, I am NOT hot nor sexy...JUST cute (HAHA) different that I would put her on my sexual fantasy list.

But hey...I am an advocate of freedom of speech so it's all good. I don't think Mr Simms meant any disrepect despite doing so. But I feel that he should start interviewing the men and making sexual fantasy lists with the men as well.

I was not going to bring this up, but since I do not post on messageboards except for GLORY & NorEast Uncensored...I wanted to let my fans know how I felt about this situation. I won't be bringing it to the messageboards.

This weekend I will be at AWA in NJ on Friday & DPW in CT on Saturday. Come out and support Indie Wrestling!

Fight that good fight,
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