Do you think it's possible our government could have aided, or even carried out the attacks of September 11th? Do you think that any suggestion of such a thing is ridiculous "conspiracy theory?" If so, I welcome you to read on, and even more, feel free to question me or raise any doubts you might have, or evidence you've found which contradicts what I say. I fully encourage any discussion of this issue, even if you disagree with me.
If you've bothered to read this far, I want you to STOP and ask yourself right now if you're ready for the truth. Are you INTERESTED in the truth, or are you just going to skip over this bulletin, or perhaps read it and forget about it? Because if you do that, it doesn't matter HOW MUCH proof there is that our government participated in 9/11... And that's exactly what they want you to do. They're depending on the fact that you're too uninterested, or too wrapped up in the latest CD or TV show to care. If you ignore this, they win, and the media's brainwashing has been successful. As our founding father Thomas Jefferson once said, "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
There are mountains of evidence which suggest that 9/11 was an inside job - all of which have been covered up or gone unreported by the mainstream media. However, there's really only ONE thing you need to know about the subject which rips a gigantic hole in the official story, and that is the fact that our government was running "wargame" exercises at precisely the same time as the terrorist attacks on the morning of September 11th, 2001.
What did these wargames consist of? Most of them were drills of our fighter jets, or simulated scenarios of planes being hijacked and even used for terror attacks. Perhaps you're asking yourself "why is this important?" For the simple fact that due to the drills taking place that day, if the 9/11 attacks had occured on ANY DAY OTHER THAN SEPTEMBER 11th 2001, it would have been IMPOSSIBLE for them to succeed. If they would have occured on any other day, there would be no confusion as to whether the hijackings were real or not, and there would have been plenty of fighter jets ready to scramble to defend our skies.
With this knowledge, it would make sense for one to ask HOW the terrorists got the information that military drills would be taking place on that particular day. Think about the fact that most of the military personnel themselves probably didn't even know that there would be drills on that day, yet SOMEHOW Al Qaeda knew early enough to plan their operation far in advance around this particular date, and reserve their plane tickets. If this is true, don't you think this would raise some concern about high level terrorist spies or moles within our own military? It seems to me the fact that most of our nation's fighter planes would be pre-occupied with drills and unable to defend our eastern seaboard would be something that we would want to keep as quiet as possible for obvious security reasons. Yet somehow these terrorists knew exactly when to strike, and they knew well before hand... so again, HOW? If they have spies within the upper levels of our military, why has this NEVER been brought up. Why is it that most people don't even know that drills were taking place on that day? You would think that if there were terrorist spies that that would be a serious cause for concern, and something warranting a MAJOR investigation... yet that possibility is never even mentioned in any of the government's official explainations about 9/11.
And going back to the drills, you might be asking yourself "well if the fighter jets were already in the air, wouldn't that make it easier to defend against terror attacks?" Perhaps... except for the fact that most of the planes had been sent as far away as possible - to Alaska and Canada for the drills, not to mention the fact that the FAA and Norad's radar screen was filled with "false blips," or simulated hijacked aircraft which would have made it difficult for air traffic controllers to even figure out what was real and what was a simulation.
So the questions remain: how did Al Qaeda know to attack America on that day? Why were no investigations conducted into HOW they knew? Why was a potential security breach this HUGE not even MENTIONED or INVESTIGATED by our government or the 9-11 Commission?
In my mind, this question alone, based on IRREFUTABLE (although SELDOM MENTIONED) proof, casts enough doubt on things to call the entire "official story" into serious question... And trust me, this is only scratching the surface.
If you want to know more about the wargames that were taking place that day, and learn the full scope of the unanswered questions about 9/11, the links below should provide you with more than enough information:
Pentagon Acknowledges Four Wargames In Progress on 9/11 Full List War Games in Progress on September 11, 2001 All of the Possible Resources and Evidence You Could Need, on Every Topic Related to 9/11 115 Lies and Ommisions of the 9-11 Commission Report 200+ 9/11 "Smoking Guns" Found in the Mainstream Media Less than half of Americans satisfied with 9/11 investigations GET THE WHOLE STORY. The best documentaries made on the subject of 9/11:
Loose Change 2nd Edition Alex Jones' Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State More video clips for your viewing pleasure:
Charlie Sheen questions the official story on Alex Jones' show. Alex Jones on CNN discussing Charlie Sheen and his unanswered questions about 9/11. Alex Jones bullhorns for 9/11 truth in downtown Chicago.