Dec 05, 2005 07:15
Work tonight wasn't bad, just Amanda and I doing the baking shit. It was allright, not too challenging or complicated. We both aren't in the best of moods. 5 am yesterday morning Lacey comes home, some random guy she met at the bar with her. They were really rude and inconsiderate. People are fuckin tryin to sleep, and they come in slammin the doors, being loud as fuck, and then they're off bangin like a screen door in a hurricane being so fucking loud they probably woke the damn block up. Seriously pissed us off cause 1 I was up all night, my sister was also up all night since she's got as bad insomnia as I do, and she was just falling asleep, and her room shares a vent with Lacey's room, my room shares a fucking wall, and 2 its some random ass guy that she doens't even know more than his first name, in our house. Not exactly someone I'd trust to just let himself out after, he could easily take some of our pricey cool shit ya know? The shit is just not cool, at 5 am especially. I mean shit, at least be quiet about it. Have some goddamn dignity. I wouldn't want everyone thinking I'm a fuckin whore cause I am screamin my ass off at the crack of dawn. fuckin shit just isn't cool. If it was a guy she plans on seein more often, or actually knows, and had maybe brought him over a few times, then sure..okay..fine...just don't wake the neighborhood at 5 am allright? She does this shit ALL the time apparently... She does this again and wakes me up, she will suffer my revenge. I already have a few ideas, one being get a longer hose so when she does this again, just drag the water hose thru the house, kick down her door and fuckin let loose with the cold ass hose water. That should get the point across. Next is just to fight fire with fire...start bringin home girls and hittin it up against the wall I share with her room at odd ass hours of the night, many a time in the night. On a night in which she has to work the next day. Luckily I'm a nice guy and wouldn't do that sorta thing just for revenge sakes.
I posted this a while ago and something else has just recently arisen, which has also struck a nerve in me, which almost immediately makes me cold and bitter. So I really don't want to get into specifics with this, so I'm going to only say this. You're on my shit list, you've been on there for a long time, if ever you cross my mind, the thought is followed by a million others which only show the various ways to make you suffer in agony thru various methods of torture, and unthinkable pain, just for the simple fact that I do not like you, and I wouldn't ever try either. Be glad I'm not there because there's nothin I'd like more than to stick you to a wall, 5 feet from the ground, by jamming my sword thru your stomache right above your waist, with the sharp ends of the blade facing vertically, so the weight of your body would cause you to slide downwards, so you slowly gut yourself until your downward progress is halted by the blade coming into contact with your ribcage and stopping there. Do not ever speak to, or speak of me. As for all you guys reading this, sorry, I'm very very hateful, and probably really psychotic. all my friends, I love ya, and I promise I'm harmless(just don't piss me off, or fuck me over allright?)