New season, new layout

Apr 05, 2007 19:07

Much as I adore shoddily constructed aliens from 1950's B sci-fi adventure flicks, I felt as though it was time for a change. I've been pondering a new layout for a while now but hadn't really thought up a good theme.

Enter Sandman.

No, not Metallica. Neil Gaiman.

Recently I was in the mood to reread the Sandman series for the, oh, umpteenth time and was reminded of just how friggin' amazing it is. I <3 Morpheus to bits. He's like Severus, only more emo. Love, love, love, love!

And so it came to be that I was inspired to create my own interpretation of Dream. I had planned to do a full work up in photoshop, but the more I got into it, the more it looked like a really poor airbrush job the on the hood of a 1985 Camaro. I do not win at digital painting. :( Besides, I've always liked sketches better. It occurs to me that I should probably take this opportunity to say something about dreams being the sketches of reality or vise versa, but it just doesn't sound believable unless you're wrapped up in a robe made of night and have no proper eyes to speak of. *_*

And so, here we are. I might fiddle a bit more with the colors and font but this is pretty much it. Hope you enjoy.

P.S. I <3 Hob nearly as much as Morpheus but he doesn't make as cool of a layout subject. Sorry Hob. Better luck next century.

morpheus, sandman, neil gaiman, layouts

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