Two announcements

Feb 05, 2007 21:52

Well, sorta.

1.) In case you haven't already heard, The Leaky Cauldron has opened up their own Fan Art Galleries section. Though I missed the big reveal yesterday, I was fortunate enough to be asked to upload early, so some of my stuff is already up there. Mostly gen (sorry Snupiners ;o) and it's all pieces that I've posted here on my journal in the past. For a way more detailed look at what exactly the Galleries have to offer, check out this article and be sure the check out all the wonderful artists that have uploaded so far. :D

2.) Most of my coworkers at the bookstore know that I'm a Harry Potter fan (though I'm fairly certain they don't know just how deep the illness goes) and so today I was recruited to help plan the Deathly Hallows midnight release party for our store. I'm so geeked about this! I even asked if I could dress up, to which the response was a blank stare and a hesitant "...Yes." This is huge for many reasons, not the least of which is that our store is one of the biggest in the city (if not the biggest) and so we're going to be expecting hundreds of people for this one night. Talk about pressure!

the leaky cauldron, release party, book 7, fan art galleries, harry potter, deathly hallows

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