The greatest gift to Africa since Bono

Dec 20, 2006 23:06

It's true. The interweb told me so.

There won't be snow in Africa this Christmas time,
The greatest gift they'll get this year is aleoninc.

Do They Know It's Christmas
from the Christmas Song Generator.

I don't know this for sure, but it appears that LJ has a limit of 70 pictures that one may upload to one's galleries. I assume this because I tried uploading a picture yesterday and was shot down by the powers that be. Perhaps that's a bit more dramatic than what actually happened, which was nothing. So, I'm looking for a good (free) image hosting site that will give me lots of space for nothing. Did I mention that I don't want to pay any money?

I know of Photobucket and Image Shack off hand. Are they worthwhile? I shudder at the thought of Deviant Art (nothing personal to anyone who has an account, I just can't stand all the ads). Other suggestions?

I'm considering investing in a website for portfolio and pimping purposes, so all this will ultimately be a temporary fix, I'm sure.

*is moron*

Nevermind. I fix.

rants, memes

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