Uggghhhh. I am so sick of putting up with the neighbors' cigarette addictions. It's bad enough that they all smoke (you can see the smokestains on the back wall of the building, above every window and back door in all the apartments around ours); it's worse in summer, when airflow is a precious commodity. We can only have one of our front windows open, really, as the next-door neighbor is a retired heavy smoker and prefers to satisfy her craving on the front porch. Tonight, however, she's smoking in her bathroom, which is mirrored across the wall with ours. It seeps through the wall, into our cupboards, and into our air. And as if that weren't enough, one of the upstairs smokers (I swear at least one of the kids is into it; there's no other way to explain the temporal distribution) is going at it in the living room and it's seeping down through the floor. It makes me want to send a shark after them.
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Day 17 - A song that you hear often on the radio
Taylor Swift, "Love Story." Every frakking time I go to Kohl's. Which has been more often than usual, lately, given my need for inexpensive clothing and the situation with Target.