I'm constantly beset with the ironies of post-modern existence.
God-dammit! What the hell kind of world do I live in? Definite answers
are impossible, that's all I understand at this point.
Cory's fuckingwinterypurple Philosophy Quiz (Don't take this unless you're ready to defend your beliefs)
1. Do you think there is a God, cosmic order, or
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1. Do you think there is a God, cosmic order, or any kind of meaningful organization to reality?
one big spiral, with Azathoth in the middle.
2. How do you justify thinking that?
two eyeballs, two brainal lobes and one long lizard spine.
3. Do you think there is such a thing as "truth"--in other words when you say something, are you just approximating reality, or can you actually ever posess knowledge of or communicate something that is a definitive truth/description of your observations?
in the language of the elders and the beasts, yes, the word is law, the law is god and god is in the letters of the sounds. IA IA!
4. Do you beleive that people have some kind of obligation to one another, or are we autonomous and unconnected?
autonomic centipedes crawling in the caves, only existing to eat each others young.
5. What do you think about suffering; how do you feel about religion considering the suffering it causes and the ignorance/deception it relies on to bring meaning to people's lives?
suffering is fundamental, just ask Pinhead. He has such sights to show you! As for religion, all i can say is that satanism is on the march!
6. If absurdly you were somehow charged with deciding the course of action of every single world government for the next 100 years, and had to decide solely and alone what must be done about the status quo, what would you do?
Easy. Everybody dies.
this is just for fun. i will do it for real later, but it will take a while you know, they are big questions. good ones to ask, though, and i think you have some pretty good answers. talk you later!
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