Aug 14, 2010 20:45
I'm getting pretty frustrated in my job search. It shouldn't be this hard. I've never had troubles getting a job before. It's been almost two months. Blah. I've been trying hard to apply for administrative jobs, because it's at least related to what I went to school for, and it's what I like doing. But now, after now getting much of anything response.. I'm going to have to do what I dread. Apply to customer service jobs. I've done customer service for about 13 years.. I'm just done with it. Going to school to get my Nursing Unit Assistant (they've changed the name of the job to this now) certificate was suppose to stop all that.
On Monday, I'm going to the mall and applying pretty much anywhere. I don't have any actual clothing retail experience, but hopefully somewhere will look past that. I think I'll also apply to Staples.
As for that job that I really wanted that I had a phone interview with, they said someone would call this week for an interview if they wanted.. well, the week's over. Unless they're waiting until this NEXT week, I'm not holding my breath. Piss and Balls.
Jordan starts his first graveyard shift tonight. Hopefully it goes well. Well, I know it'll go fine, I'm mostly concerned if he's going to get enough sleep during the day!
stressed out,