Nov 11, 2009 22:41
Jackson and I went to Courtenay today, as usual. We stayed a lot longer than usual, though. We hung out with Aunnie Joan and my mom at A&W for a while. Then we went to Aunnie Joan's house and also got to see my cousin, Jamie. I haven't seen her in a long time. She is a very busy lady. I suppose it doesn't help that we live in different cities, now :P I don't think she's seen Jackson since he was probably five months old or something. I went to my mom's afterward. I didn't plan on staying long. I just wanted to drop off something to put with our storage, but Jackson ended up passing out, so I stayed and had dinner.
My sister and my niece came by because they had an appointment today to deal with the estate and whatnot of her father's death. He passed away a couple days ago. I guess the whole thing is causing a lot of issues because her dad had power of attorney for her grandpa, because he's in the hospital and doesn't really remember anything past five minutes. Well since her dad died first, everything gets put back into her grandpa's name and so it takes that much longer to get everything figured out because now they have to re-apply to get power of attorney again or something.. I don't know, it confuses me. I try to stay out of it.
The are going through the house to try and find a will and other papers that they need, so they started taking some stuff home. They brought TONS of movies back to my mom's place. They said they were going to go through them and invited me to take ones that I wanted. So, I ended up with about 15 movies.. cause we really need more movies :P No super exciting movies, but a few that I like, a few that I thought Jordan would like, and a few I don't mind but I would never actually PAY to have :P
Jackson is starting to walk.. he takes more and more steps each day. Just not at the same time :P And he's been a little cranky because of a new tooth coming in. The last few days have been big for him!
Tomorrow is my pharmacology final. EEK!! I'm a little nervous. I still don't like I remember a lot of the stuff. I'm sure it'll be ok. There's not a lot of "fill in the blanks".. mostly multiple choice etc.