this is the fannish post

May 05, 2008 15:04

Lost 4x10 Something nice back home

I liked this one. Heartbreaking, though. And it kept me awake half the night to try to digest it. I LOVED Jack, Sawyer and (omg!) Juliet, in this. Not Kate, I still can't. But I did like how she told Jack he was good at being a father.

1. Jack! Shirtless! Yay! ... only, wtf happened to his chest hair? Not that I'm complaining, but it's a bit weird. Especially since the scene on the island dealt with Juliet shaving him.

2. Jack having problems dealing with Aaron, worried he's not a good father made my heart ache. *hugs Jack* This was the only minute I liked Kate in the whole episode.

3. "Son of the bitch". I'm sorry, but my mind immediately went to Sawyer here. Jack had never used this expletive once, up to know.

4. Appendix! And Juliet operating on Jack. Very cool. And I absolutely loved how she told Kate about the kiss after the surgery knowing that Jack was awake.
I am so sick of Kate lying to him or hiding things, Juliet was so refreshing, not going behind Jack's back.
Oh, and she was so right about him always wanting to be in control... This is such a good point to play with when it comes to Jack and his relationship (at least the one he used to have, and the one he could have, not only in fanon) with Sawyer.

5. Oh, Sawyer. I'm guessing that he's going to stay back to find Claire. He's becoming more of a hero every episode. I've read alliecat8's comment about Jack and Sawyer turning into each other and I love it.

6. They wanted to make us sure that Danielle was dead, didn't they? Ew. But Miles' gift can prove really useful.

7. Jack yelling at Kate. Yes, he went over the top. Yes, she deserved it. At least, that's how I see it. And that final sentence "you're not even related to him" makes me hope that he knows that he, instead, is.

8. I'm now wondering if Sawyer is going to be the one putting the pieces together about Jack and Claire's relationship. He had seen Christian once, after all.

9. Claire! I hope she's going to be back.

Grey's anatomy 4x13 Piece of my heart

10. Addison!! I missed you so much! Please come back, Private practice sucks. These are the cool surgeries you like doing!

11. Oooh they did it! They showed us that Hahn is, indeed, gay. This makes me have a higher opinion of this show.

12. Mark. LOL. He's the only one telling things as they are. The elevator scene was funny again. Maybe the writers are really learning something from the House crew.

13. Derek Christian Shephard? Please. I don't really need another Lost connection in this show! My head hurts already.

Supernatural 3x14 Long distance call

I liked this one. But the credits confused me: was JDM credited just because it was his voice? I kept waiting for him to pop up in the episode, and I was sad that he didn't.
But I did like the plot, and how nicely it played with Dean's vulnerability.
Also, that final scene, with Dean scoffing at Sam's "and me" made me lol. Poor Sammy, he was earnest in that. :)

ER 4x17 Under pressure
Better than the last, but not much more to say.

lost reviews, supernatural, grey's anatomy, lost s4, er, lost, tv talk

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