Lost rewatch 2: Walkabout and White rabbit

Jun 19, 2007 12:37

Following through my Lost rewatch project, yesterday my friends and I watched Walkabout and White rabbit. Plus a few extras.

1) Starting from the extras:
Josh’s audition for Sawyer makes me melt every time. When he gest caught by frustration and kicks that chair… And the montage alternating the audition parts with the on-set interview when he is so tanned and with longer hairs, and with that shit-eating grin as he narrates his tale…*melts*

Dom as Sawyer was so unbelievable that I was surprised that in the end they choose him, even if in a different part. He seemed entirely too naïve for the part. Luckily he was able to recognize it.

Jorge as Sawyer. If I hadn’t seen it I wouldn’t believe it. He was good, almost menacing in a few poses. I liked him, he could have been a con man, even if a different one, of course.

I was impressed by Maggie’s audition. She played Shannon so well… She even had a single tear falling on her cheek. Very, very good.

Finally, Foxy. Crazy face when he was reading for Sawyer…and so sweet and perfect when he was playing Jack. In a suit! *sighs and thinks happy Vantage Point thoughts* - and on this topic, go read Lip service by elise_509.
Anyway, I like him both ways, but I really can’t imagine him playing Sawyer, despite all my belief about Jack and Sawyer being really alike. And the scene when he was splashing Dom with water for the pilot scene…so cute!

I watched the other auditions too, but I can’t think about anything in particular to point out. Oh, maybe hearing Daniel Dae Kim speaking a perfect English and Naveen with no fake Arab accent.

Now, on with the episodes.

2) Walkabout
“Don’t tell me what I can’t do”. This pretty much sums up Locke’s story.
Jack and Sawyer scene! When the boars are inside the fuselage, who do you think are the first to go and check what’s happening? Jack and Sawyer and Kate of course. “Right behind you, jackass”.
I’m really watching these scenes with a new perspective. The first time I was enjoying the Jate scenes, now that I can’t stand Kate I’m really enjoying the Jack/Sawyer ones. Just so you know, I started liking (really liking) Sawyer only in the second season. So I’m discovering a lot of good scenes now.
What surprises me is that, despite being a hard core Jack girl, in my review I am inclined to quote mostly Sawyer’s lines. He has the funniest lines, but also a lot of meaningful bits, like in the past episodes. And his lines are often more quotable than Jack’s, because they are shorter.
Jack tends to speak less, but when he says something meaningful, he gives an entire speech.

Sawyer and Shannon… Sticks! Snark alert! :)

Jack was so practical and rational when he spoke about the need of burning the bodies… He has really gone a bit out of his mind on the island… He has always been stubborn, but the reasons for his decisions were clearer and more logical. I guess that staying on that crazy island for three months is really testing. Not that I blame him!

Sawyer giving Claire the wallets… first of his generous and caring gestures.
Sawyer fighting with Hurley for the food. And a lot of fighting scenes in these first eps… They weren’t a group, yet, they hadn’t started overcoming their differences to survive together. Jack’s speech is yet to come. And what a difference it made!

Charlie and Hurley fishing. A new friendship was born.

3) White rabbit: Ladies & Gentlemen, the first appearance of a rabbit on Lost, even if in a figurative sense. (oh and the first Alice in Wonderland too… Behind the looking glass, anyone?)

Mark! Best friends from the cradle to the grave, huh? (if they ever make Mark the guy whom Sarah cheated on Jack with, I’ll go myself and strangle the writers)

I’m reassessing my opinion about Jack’s parents after rewatching this. I’ve always thought about Christian as a jerk, and he still is, but he, in his own dysfunctional way, cares about Jack. Even when he is diminishing and humiliating him - which I hate him for -, he thinks he’s doing it for Jack’s good. While Jack’s mother… she seems not to care at all about her son, she makes him feel guilty (again!) for his father’s decision of going to Australia.. gah, I hate her!

Anyway… how cute was Jack in that hoodled sweater? That man looks so young when he is not in a suit… and he look hot either way! *grins*
And then… crying!Jack… at the morgue and then by himself at the fire…I just wanted to hug him breathless!
His conversation about his father with Kate mirrors the second season one… with a big difference: “I’m sorry” “I’m sorry too” vs “I’m not”.

About the empty coffin, I have a new theory. Or..well, surely someone else has thought about it before me, but it’s new for me. I’m now thinking that the airline clerk stayed firm in her decision and didn’t let Christian’s body on board. Therefore, Jack checked just the empty coffin, planning to never tell his mother that it was empty. There’s no way the body could have escaped the closed coffin. And I don’t believe at all that Christian could be alive. He was dead three days before the plane crash. For all its healing powers, I don’t believe the island could do that.
Jack’s reaction after opening it would seem a bit exaggerated, if he already knew it was empty. But maybe he was just taking out his pent-up frustration. He was a bit crazy throughout the episode, with the allucinations, the crazy giggles and everything, so it seems possible to me, if not really likely (but then, what is likely on Lost?)

Finally, Jack appeared, like King Lion (comparison by courtesy of one of my friends *g*), and gave his speech. Besides the “Live together, die alone” conclusion, I like to quote the previous sentence “We have to stop waiting”. Jack is the first to rationalize that rescue is not coming soon and they have to start figuring things out. I like that.

Other sparse bits:
Charlie. This is the famous “I don’t swim” episode. He seemed genuinely worried, but he didn’t try. I don’t want to blame it all on inconsistency by the authors, so I’m going with “I don’t swim very well and, most of all, I don’t want to risk my life”. 3rd season Charlie is a different man, of course. And he was lying when he said he was a swimming champion. He was scared by water, but he was willing to sacrifice himself at that point. Here, he was not. He was already protective of Claire, though. Cute.

Sawyer. Again accused of something he didn’t do (stealing water). Kate/Sawyer confrontation. And he gave her the marshal’s badge, calling her “the new sheriff”.

Boone blames Jack for Johanna’s death, *glares at Boone*. Kid, you’re not in the position to do that.
Sawyer to Boone “How does it feel? Taking my place at the top of everybody's most hated list”

Finally, I can now see hints of what could have been between Sayid and Kate. Maybe it could have worked.
I like also the idea of Sawyer/Claire, even if I like Sawyer/Jack and Charlie/Claire more.

Next monday, maybe 3 episodes again! yay!

lost rewatch, lost reviews, lost, lost theories

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