Tv talk & looking for a fic

May 31, 2007 11:03

Last night I went through my files to choose something to watch, and i finally started watching SPN (Sorry, no, not yet, but I'm approaching it, I swear) the first 4 episodes of Grey's Anatomy - 3rd season.

My impressions?
I still despise Meredith (who whines all the time as usual), but I liked her threesome dream (and it's not even the first time GA shows something like that -always in dreams, of course-. Still, apparently it's a threesome-friendly show!)
This first episodes raised a bit my opinion of Derek, but not very. He made that "grand gesture" of releasing Meredith to Fynn, but of course that same gesture had been the one to make her choose him. *huffs*
On the positive notes: Alex is still hot, though a bit thin, and he still gets Izzie much more than anyone else.
And I love Addison more than last season, if possible! She hung Meredith's panties on the whiteboard, HA! and she srewed Mark Sloane only for sex and told him so! HA!again
Last, Mark Sloane. He is probably a jerk, and not even a lovable jerk like House, but...whew, he is hot as hell! McSteamy, really. A nice addiction to the cast, even if I don't know how long he will be there.

Talking about House. Season 3 finale is still downloading, and I hope I'll be able to watch it in the weekend. This series is the one that I love most at the moment, Lost aside. It's funny and angsty at the same time, and most of the time it's even intelligent. Or maybe it's just my attitude, but I find really few reasons to criticize it.
I love Hugh Laurie and Sean Patrick Leonard, and thir characters.
I love Cuddy. She joins Sidney Bristow in my scarcely populated zone of female characters that I love - and I haven't yet chosen between shipping House/Wilson or House/Cuddy. At the moment I like shipping both. And H/C/W is always good, of course!
I don't find Cameron annoying (on the contrary, I ship Chase/Cameron) and I like looking at Chase. Overall, it's probably the show whose character I like most, if taken in a bunch. I love Lost like crazy, but there are a few characters that I really can't stand.

I'm still watching the OC, this week they are broadcasting the last two episodes. This last season intrigued me at the beginning with its darker tones, then I welcomed some lighter episodes and enjoyed them, but now every episode is either a flashback or an AU, and I'm getting tired. Oh, well, just 2 more.
On the flashback topic, they totally quoted Lost there: zoom on Seth's face, sound, beginning of the flashback. The funny thing was that when Seth came back to reality Ryan wasn't there anymore. "Did the flashback last too long?". lol!
A few episodes ago they quoted GA too: Summer's dad has started working in Seattle at the Seattle Grace, and the few scenes settled there were definitely shot at GA's set. But they didn't show any of the characters. I don't know if those two are from the same production, but it felt like a sort of cross-promotion.
note: I've made a sort of circular post, from GA and!

And now, my request. This morning's post by zelda_zee reminded me of a fic: I'm sure I've read a Jack/Sawyer fic in which they were going shopping for house furniture/linens. Something like that. They ended up having sex in the shop, on the for-sale sheets. Does this ring any bell? Can you link me?

ETA: found it (what? It just took 3 months and a half!) Linen stores can be fun by arabella_hope

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grey's anatomy, the oc, lost fic recs, lost, house md, tv talk

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