Lost ficlet: The Tennessee Moon (Jack, Sawyer, AU)

Jul 23, 2009 17:21

Title: The Tennessee Moon
Characters: Jack, Sawyer.
Words: 850
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Lost is not mine. And Kinky Boots isn't either.
Spoilers: None. It's completely AU.
Summary: Two strangers meet in the night.
A/N: A belated offering for previous Queen janie_tangerine, who requested crossdressing, and for Queen inthekeyofd, who requested white. Inspired and adapted (i.e ( Read more... )

my fic, lost:sawyer, lost:jack, lost fic, lost

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Comments 11

inthekeyofd July 23 2009, 20:58:13 UTC
I loved LOVED that movie!!!

oh, OH, seriously, Sawyer as a drag queen, that it just too freakin' good!! And the dimples, you put in the dimples..*sigh*

this is too much fun, and if you continue, it will be off the charts!


alemyrddin July 27 2009, 08:58:24 UTC
heeee! I'm so glad you liked this.
I loved the movie too, and wouldn't it be even better with Jack and Sawyer?

I hope to continue it - as soon as work and real life stop getting in the way. ;)


haldoor July 24 2009, 02:44:42 UTC
HAHAHAHAH. Kinky Boots is an awesome movie and imagining Sawyer in a dress, oh too much! ;-) Thanks!


alemyrddin July 27 2009, 08:59:23 UTC
That movie was a lot of fun, and wouldn't it be even better with Jack and Sawyer? ;)

Thank you very much for reading and commenting, I'm very glad you liked it! :)


haldoor July 27 2009, 09:05:44 UTC
Definitely! Hee! ;-)


janie_tangerine July 24 2009, 22:05:18 UTC
OMG THIS IS AWESOME!!! crossdressing!Sawyer, YAY! This was just lovely, and now I need to check that movie out ASAP because the setting was just awesome. I loved your Jack voice and that he has Vincent. And MM, Sawyer wearing white skirts and turtlenecks that? I APPROVE OF IT. Also, Jack the shoemaker wins at life. And yeah, Jamie sounds kinda better than Luna. And he's an Uma type! Which would be my total girlcrush so I totally loved that bit -nod-. This was just delightful, thank you so much for it!! I totally loved it. ♥


alemyrddin July 27 2009, 09:02:50 UTC
I'm very glad you liked it, I hoped you would. :)

The movie is fun, I think you'd like it.

and hee - I had to make Vincent a cat because Jack's late working hourse wouldn't allow him to keep a dog, but yeah, I wanted him to have some kind of company, and who better than Vincent?
(I spent some time on the setting because I wanted to use some things later... hopefully I will get back to this, sooner or later - as soon as real life stops getting in the way)

Sawyer in a dress is definitely an Uma type, so I'm very glad you like her.

thank you very much for your awesome feedback. :)


siluria August 2 2009, 21:09:29 UTC
Never seen kinky boots, but I love the fic!!! :) I would really love to see that longer version! ;)


alemyrddin August 24 2009, 17:24:20 UTC
I hope to write it, sooner or later. I liked the movie, even if the main characters are not remotely as hot as Jack and Sawyer ;)

Thank you for reading and commenting, I'm very glad you liked this.


zelda_zee August 25 2009, 08:52:53 UTC
Love this! I've never heard of that movie, but this is such a fun fic!


alemyrddin August 30 2009, 09:25:25 UTC
thank you so much for reading and commenting, I'm very glad you liked it.
The movie is fun and I think the adaptation to Jack and Sawyer is even more, maybe sometime I will write another part. :)


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