Lost luau ficlet: Rub me raw

Jul 08, 2009 21:38

Title: Rub me raw
Character: Jack, mentions of Sawyer
Words: 250
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Lost is not mine.
Spoilers: general s5
Summary: Jack's first time. Half-crack, half-angst.
A/N: For previous Queen gottalovev, who loves first times. Title stolen from Warren Zevon's song.

Jack had never considered himself a coward before. )

lost:jack, luau, lost fic, lost

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Comments 18

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alemyrddin July 9 2009, 10:51:29 UTC
Heee. I'm so glad it worked for you. This was fun to write.
At least he got some pain for depriving the fangirls of his chest hair. :D

Nice to see you, hon. Everything okay, I hope?


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alemyrddin July 14 2009, 15:12:03 UTC
Hi Louise! Sorry for the delay in my answer, I was waiting for a test result before emailing you. Everything's more than fine and I'm going to send you an email. :)


gottalovev July 8 2009, 23:18:10 UTC
OMG, I was wondering what tragedy was going on and what the fuck Jack was doing... and you go with the chest waxing! LOL! oh my GOD, that is perfect! I love you, I really do. this gets a medal for the most original first time, for sure! lol!

thanks so much for the laugh babe! and it's great, so good to see you writing again! =D


alemyrddin July 9 2009, 10:50:11 UTC
I was thinking about first times, and maybe something that hasn't been done before... and my mind went there. Couldn't help it, even if I wasn't really sure about writing Jack for you (but then, it was about laughing at him, after all) ;)
Hee. I'm glad I made you laugh.
And yeah, the Luau is good for my writing. Hopefully more will come. :)


luna481516 July 8 2009, 23:33:35 UTC
LOL! You totally had me all the way to the end. "Who then is he doing it with??" I thought.
And so just - Jack/Foxy deserves wince for not growing back his hair!


alemyrddin July 9 2009, 10:46:39 UTC
I'd say waxing all that chest hair must have been quite painful! LOL.
Thank you so much! I'm so glad this worked for you. :)


alliecat8 July 9 2009, 04:57:20 UTC
LMFAO! Your title intrigued me, and you totally sucked me in...I was wondering, "what's crack about this?" and then the zinger in the last sentence. Foxy's chest-waxing definitely deserved some crack-fic, and you did it PERFECTLY! You rule. :D


alemyrddin July 9 2009, 10:45:17 UTC
Thank you sweetie, I'm so glad I made you laugh!
This was fun to write and yeah, Foxy's chest-waxing had to be explained somehow! ;)


janie_tangerine July 9 2009, 09:07:49 UTC
OMG *DIES* this is awesome. Apart from the fact that you stole the title from ZEVON *loves madly just for it* and it's totally perfect actually, but this was brilliant. Poor Jack, waxing is indeed a torture, how do I get you. But the first part totally conveyed how tortured he must have felt and the twist in the second just worked so well. A+++++. ;)


alemyrddin July 9 2009, 10:44:05 UTC
Heee. I'm very glad it worked for you! Thanks for you kind words. :)

Il titolo è totalmente merito tuo in realtà, e del fanmix che avevi fatto per Jack. Ieri cercavo ispirazione per il titolo tra le canzoni che ho sull'iPod ed è saltata fuori quella! Mi sembrava appropriata. ;)


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