Feb 11, 2004 04:38
iv been doin fill in work for my buddy Jimmy Lee the past couple nights cleaning the french riviera spas. i worked for him a couple years back and lemme just say... that has got to be the worst job in the world. not many people i know have jobs that are actually laborous (except my father, who works in the sun building shit hours a day) but man.. this shit isnt a job.. its fuckin work. my mom does this shit every night. hard ass on ur knees scrubbing dried sweat and crud off of treadmills and exercise bikes type work. she lost 50 lbs within a year at this job. might not seems like much but keep in mind.. she wasn't trying to lose weight. she wasn't on a diet. she just melted the fat from her body from all the work you have to do to keep a gym clean by yourself. now i have a skinny mommy that can fit into my old jncos.
anyways.. when i got home i had a bit of a coughing fit and made a bit of a 'fack' sound, and my sister looks at me and says..'did you, like, urp?' usually id say 'no.. i was hacking a hocker' but because im so tired i just busted out laughing for about 10 minutes. i mean, despite all the vocabulary trends people go through, my sister has always had the same signature words. one of them being the word 'urp'. for those of you who dont know, an 'urp' is a kinda acidy reflux burp.. or may also be used in substitute for 'vurp', the vomit burp. a few other mandoo vocabulary favorites of mine are yuke (vomit), silynky (diarreah), and schnockered (drunk). my sister is so fucking funny, but the sad part is, not many people realize it. she also has an amazing ability to retain information. sure, sometimes she lacks tact, but methinks thats part of her charm. i guess what im trying to say is..my mom rocks cuz she works hard and lost alotta weight and can fit into my clothes and my sister rocks cuz she says funny words and can make me giggle at will.