Jun 17, 2003 19:49
Am on a pretty good mood at the moment. But it can change anytime, for no reason, or because of something really small. Guess it's because I, once again, is disappointed at myself.
I was going to study philosophy while being away for the last two weeks. I opened the book and read the first four pages. The book is so thin, actually the thinniest schoolbook I have. But still it's so darn hard to sit down and read it. I always find something else to do, like being on mIRC. I should really be banned from there during the day and afternoon. :P
Hmmm.... the summer has arrived, well atleast according to the calender. The southern Europeans have stolen Scandinavia's warmth! It's not even +20 degrees Celcius during the days and it's June for God's sake!! *wants warmth - now!*
Only a few more days 'til HP5 is released! Wheeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Have to wait for it though. A friend in America pre-ordered it for me from amazon so he'll have to send it when he gets it.
I have come to the conclusion... a long time ago actually, that I need to get myself a life. I just don't know how to get one. How do you get a life? I've been standing at the side for so long, watching the busses and the cars going by, but never stopping any of them, never jumping on any of the busses. I've been on my way a few times but I haven't had enough courage. Where to get that? I don't want to see life pass me by. I wanna be out there - enjoying it. I just don't know how to anymore.
For so long I've been "hiding" from the world, thinking I need no one. Needing other people only shows weakness and people take advantage of that. That is what I've been thinking about myself, that does not go for other people. But I've been wrong. We all need people. We are not made to live alone. Then we would not need to be able to communicate with each other. Life is a complicated thing, the biggiest mystery ever and the most difficult thing is to get to know yourself. It's not that hard to tell your good sides and bad sides... but try to find out why you react the way you react in a certain situation - that is not easy. And why you make the decisions you make and things like that.
Okey well...
This entry is messy... one thing here and one thing there... confusing... might have something to do that the author is a little confused herself. :P
You think you should know what you want when you are at this age... yeah right... I think I'm even more confused now than I ever was as a teenager.
I'm hungry. *goes to the fridge*