OMGAHHHH you don't know how much that freaking pisses me off!!!!!!!!! Like KHJFKDHLSHJK:KDJFH:DSJKFDSH:FDSHFKFHDJFDFD
And okay just now, I just opened an album of my friend in facebook and they were like"
"syang nman. d aq nkpnta kxe n22l0g aq nung 2mtwag kau. nxt tym ulit. nyt2" (It's a waste that I didn't get to go because I was sleeping when you called. We'll see next time. Goodnight)
This is the reason why I do not talk to some of the people in facebook. -o- Seriously man, even my cousins do that! KFJASDLKFJDFJAHDS Come on. I won't lie. Now, if any of those who type like that sees this, I am just expressing my annoyance on what you are doing, not you as a person. Sure, I may say that I don't want to talk to you. Ask me again the reason why. It's because: gn2 ka mgtayp. nkkairita kya. prng wlang vowel sa alphbet. (you type like this. It pisses me off. It's like the alphabet did not even have vowels) You get me? -o- So if your typing goes back to normal, I will talk to you again.
-o- Irks me like shit. Why the hell people are typing like that? I would understand if facebook comment box has twitter's 140 character limit but wtf it doesn't!!!!
Oh myyyyyyyy. I feel like deleting them off my friends coz my typing might be corrupted? LOL. I try not to use text language even in text because man, hallo? The person might not understand me? -o- A lil bit elitist (Ha. xD sometimes I am? :X) but it is contagious. That and wrong grammar. Gahhh. TT__TT And wrong grammar? Man, I am no expert (wish I was!) but don't get me started on it. -o- I am trying to improve mine so why can't other people do it? And I'm not speaking here in the intellectual point of view but taking it from the 'preservation of language' perspective (..I think they are different? Anyway...). Woot. Well, I do code switch and text language at times but I do that at a "non-annoying" level, if there's such a thing.
I don't want to live in a society where typing in facebook will be lyk gn2 o kya gnun. tpos lht ng pwendzz moh jejeje n tmatwa s chat o kya s comment box. tpos mgffan p cla ng mga fan page abt jologs e gnun nman cla. sow whuat thah phuck mehn!? (..will be like this or that. Then (facebook) friends will laugh jejeje (instead of hehe) in chat or in the comment box. Then they will become fan of pages about jologs (how do i translate that? O_O like... losers? lol) but these fan pages speak of them! so what the fuck, man!?)
Spare meeee!! *cries*