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Высокие налоги увеличивают безработицу
Mar 07, 2015 11:07
Если у Вас попросят серьезное исследование которое показывает что высокие налоги и раздутый государственный аппарат увеличивают безработицу, особенно среди женщин и малообразованных слоев населения можете давать эту ссылку.
Using data from 19 industrial countries for the period 1985 to 2002, this paper
analyzes how the size of the government sector affects unemployment. Controlling for the
impact of the business cycle as well as for the impact of all major labor market institutions
and unobserved country effects, we find that a large government sector is likely to increase
unemployment. It appears to have a particularly detrimental effect on women and the low
skilled and to substantially increase long-term unemployment. It seems that dominant stateowned
enterprises, a large share of public investment in total investment as well as high top
marginal income tax rates and low income threshold levels at which they apply are
particularly detrimental.
государственное регулирование
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