May 22, 2005 13:55
Woke up entirely too late today, felt like a terrible waste. Although I suppose it ought to even out, since I went to bed entirely too late last night from trying to work on the comic, and going to bed does not equate to sleeping. It feels like everything I start is always frayed at the edges and the ends, if not in holes and complete tatters. This is something my drawing teacher told me to practice this summer: finishing. So far I am not doing too well, but I am trying. I am not sure if its best to walk in baby steps or to form the grandiose plans and then attempt to swoop down their arcs, which are, of course, not compatible with human wings. (My theory of the moment is that we all have durable wings but they are, at the same time, so tiny and translucent/invisible that only with the greatest exertion of will and effort can they describe those arcs, and I supposed they often end up frayed as anything else. This, of course, is a very naive and probably silly image, but for the moment it pleases me.) I know how baby steps might be healthier, especially for me. But what does that mean, for me to admit to that? Weakness, probably. I am pretty confused but the one thing I know to do is to keep trying, so hopefully that will at the very least give something to spent the life on, which right now feels like a bit of a jumble.
On another, more concrete, topic: I start work, contrary to what I thought, tomorrow. I've been reassigned to the computer departement again and this is Mondady through Wednesday, as before, but from seven to four instead of nine to six, (which is a much better deal than previously agreed on). The only thing that bothered me was that they didn't call or anything, just changed everything up on the offer letter, which made me very confused with the contradictions. All of it was completely different than what she said on the phone. If I hadn't looked closely at the letter, and if we hadn't called my aunt to find out, I might not have known to show up tomorrow, which, of course, would have been pretty bad.
Anyway, to Andrea and Claudia, I am sorry I got that mixed up, so if you're going to do the bookstore thing before thursday and before four, then you should go ahead and have fun. If not, then I still really want to come along.
And that concludes things for this afternoon. I am going to help Reuben with his garden for now, and then we'll see.