(no subject)

Nov 04, 2005 01:44

Firstly, I just wanted to announce the date and time of the plays and all.
They are happening November 12th at 8:00 pm, and November 13th at 7:00 pm in the Falvey Hall of MICA's Brown Center. The general admission is 5 dollars.

Everyone who can make it is definately super invited. Let me know if you're coming and on which night, and I'll give you directions and we can go and hang out groovishly afterwards or something. Well, I'll post the adress here soon, as soon as I find it out, so that the RSVP isn't as necessary. But yeah, let me know.

In news about me, life is about the same as usual, except they fixed the bells of the steeple of the Corpus Christi church, and now it tolls the hour, the half hour, and the quarter hour. All my gallery attempts it seems have been rather premature, so its back to the drawing board, literally. The rehearsals are stressing me out, as are classes, as are all the spaces in between. I started work-study again and have a new kid to tutor. He can smell my weakness, as usual, but I think he'll be studious enough. He seems pretty mature for his age, in some ways. That's going so far much smoother than last year, but of course it's only been two sessions so far. The ladies at the tutoring lunch hour, (them and the one other male), were debating the hiearchy of the angel choirs yesterday. The Seraphim are at the top. In Ancient through Gothic we learned that the Cherubim on the Arc of the Covenant were not meant as our modern idea of Cherubim, and might have looked more like Egyptian or Assyrian Sphinx or Lammasu figures. For some reason, I find that crazy cool. I am liking the way that class is wiping some preconceptions away. I think the teacher is a bit frustrated with us though. I did my reading yesterday, but the general populace didn't. There was some slight chagrin associated with that. I have made some new friends, and have had some good philosophy/theology discussions late into the night, with bits of talk about girls thrown in here and there generously. That's a good thing. Unfortunately, the lonely and incomplete feeling is still there, but for the most part I am too busy to notice. I figure once I get some clutter fixed up in my room, maybe things will feel better. I mean, much of my frustration actually seems to stem from the fact that some of my best charcoal drawings got smudged because I had to cram them into the corner and their surface was subjected to the daily movements of my underwear drawer. I'm quite eagerly awaiting thanksgiving. After that, there's really only a couple of weeks till winter break.

Oh, and I forgot to mention. This morning I felt one with the world. I had done my reading, the weather was wonderful, I was eating my pudding parfait, and everyone on campus was all gathered around, going about their business. The sky was blue, and the trees down mount royal made a wonderful, faint diagonal towards the highway, and the nebulous stuff beyound, where I know home to be, though that conception grows strained, doesn't it. Over the trees, the church tower did what it does best, which was towering and tolling. And, having done my reading, I was simply sitting at my table alone, waiting for the clock on the tower to invite me to class. Four hours of slide lecture ahead of me. This, as some people already know, is one of my favourite things ever. I love a good slide lecture. I die for a good slide lecture. So yes, it was a good morning and afternoon.
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