I'm a little dissapointed in the role John Edwards has been relegated to this election. It's like his only job is to tell everybody what an awesome guy John Kerry is. Or maybe, almost as an afterthought, to attempt to sway the Southern vote, which isn't going to happen. Edwards has as much of a chance of delivering North Carolina as he does
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Americans aren't dumb. They're comfortable, and lazy. It's why Mexicans can slip over here and mow our lawns and build our offices. It's why African Americans prefer whining and crying about their "rights" to be repaid for what happened nearly 150 years ago, rather than take some personal responsibility for their livelihoods. It's why white folks here complain all about how their way of life is disappearing, even as they sit behind their comfortable deskjockey jobs, come home and tune out on Everquest and reality TV.
The problem is, we as a country have no ambition.
Imagine how much we could do if we all chose, collectively, to do it? We could wipe out hunger, no problem; our government pays farmers, even here in Mississippi, not to use their land for farming. We could make homes for the homeless, jobs for the jobless, families for orphans and abused children that need to be taken from irresponsible, evil guardians.
We could, except that that would all take effort. So we sit, in air-conditioned homes with air filters, scared to even walk out the door for fear of disease or illness striking us down. We drive SUVs, afraid to lose the "functionality" that we never, ever use.
Everybody likes to point to vast conspiracies and secretive, shadowy plots for all the world's woes. It always has to be something so powerful, or so convoluted, that mere regular people just can't deal with it.
Fuck that. It's nothing more than the common man allowing things to happen, so long as they don't happen to him. We watch Arabs, Europeans, thousands of people protest us every day. Then we flip the channel because Big Brother X is on, and God forbid we miss this week's episode.
There is an old saying, as true now as it ever has been: "The only thing evil needs to prosper is for good men to do nothing."
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